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The Debuachee Successor is actually overpowered

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Author: Partyneverends


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The Debuachee Successor is actually overpowered


Rudi Schmidt was a Monster Hater, battle maniac, and most of all, the Ultimate Black-ranked Slayer. But you would be too if you lived in an Apocalypse Earth and were betrayed by the unknown, vividly blown to bits without a trace of ash remaining. Yet, his death was a splendid scene that was engraved in the hearts of his killers.

Caught with the thought that his betrayal would be the end of him, alas, he awakens not as a fierce warrior or a cunning strategist, but as Anderson D. Mirenzie, the most powerless and weak young master in the history of the Declining Mirenzie Clan. Now, with only his smile, otherworldly determination, and unwavering will, he must accept the world's criticism and cold stares as he forges his path in this new world. He has no idea what's going to happen, but he isn't dying again; rather, he must ascend to immortality because he already knows that going on another date with Lady Grimreaper sucks! Rise to the Peak! Overpowered Death Monarch!

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