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The Saintess Was Summoned a Long Time Ago. To Japan

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Author: 守雨


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The Saintess Was Summoned a Long Time Ago. To Japan


As a saint, she was supposed to be summoned, but the country she was thrown into was Japan.

The protagonist, Natsukawa Rei, who was summoned as a saint, hides her magical powers and works as an office worker in a small company in modern-day Japan.

“Just living a peaceful life is good enough.” However, small ripples arise even in Natsukawa Rei’s seemingly ordinary life.

Follow Rei Natsukawa, a mage possessing high-level magical powers, and her seemingly ordinary — yet extraordinary — story.

It’s a story about a 25-year-old mage who encounters events and mysterious beings in Japan, where eight million gods exist.

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1 Chapters

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