I Became an All-stats Infinite Elf

Ch. 12

Silver Wolf (1)

99 Chapters
Ch.00 - Prologue
Ch.01 - Adventure (1)
Ch.02 - Adventure (2)
Ch.03 - Adventure (3)
Ch.04 - Herrington Village (1)
Ch.05 - Herrington Village (2)
Ch.06 - Kidnapping (1)
Ch.07 - Kidnapping (2)
Ch.08 - Kidnapping (3)
Ch.09 - Kidnapping (4)
Ch.10 - Kidnapping (5)
Ch.11 - Kidnapping (6)
Ch.12 - Silver Wolf (1)
Ch.13 - Silver Wolf (2)
Ch.14 - Silver Wolf (3)
Ch.15 - Sierra City (1)
Ch.16 - Sierra City (2)
Ch.17 - Sierra City (3)
Ch.18 - Sierra City (4)
Ch.19 - Sierra City (5)
Ch.20 - Sierra City (6)
Ch.21 - Banquet (1)
Ch.22 - Banquet (2)
Ch.23 - Banquet (3)
Ch.24 - Banquet (4)
Ch.25 - Banquet (5)
Ch.26 - Intruder (1)
Ch.27 - Intruder (2)
Ch.28 - Companionship (1)
Ch.29 - Companionship (2)
Ch.30 - Companionship (3)
Ch.31 - Dragon (1)
Ch.32 - Dragon (2)
Ch.33 - Dragon (3)
Ch.34 - Ted (1)
Ch.35 - Ted (2)
Ch.36 - Barbarians (1)
Ch.37 - Barbarians (2)
Ch.38 - Barbarians (3)
Ch.39 - Dwarven Mountains (1)
Ch.40 - Dwarven Mountains (2)
Ch.41 - Dwarven Mountains (3)
Ch.42 - Dwarven Mountains (4)
Ch.43 - Dwarven Mountains (5)
Ch.44 - Dwarven Mountains (6)
Ch.45 - Goldcastle (1)
Ch.46 - Goldcastle (2)
Ch.47 - Goldcastle (3)
Ch.48 - Goldcastle (4)
Ch.49 - Goldcastle (5)
Ch.50 - Goldcastle (6)
Ch.51 - Goldcastle (7)
Ch.52 - Goldcastle (8)
Ch.53 - Goldcastle (9)
Ch.54 - Goldcastle (10)
Ch.55 - Goldcastle (11)
Ch.56 - Goldcastle (12)
Ch.57 - Goldcastle (13)
Ch.58 - Goldcastle (14)
Ch.59 - Dungeon (1)
Ch.60 - Dungeon (2)
Ch.61 - Dungeon (3)
Ch.62 - Dungeon (4)
Ch.63 - Dungeon (5)
Ch.64 - Dungeon (6)
Ch.65 - Dungeon (7)
Ch.66 - Dungeon (8)
Ch.67 - Dungeon (9)
Ch.68 - Dungeon (10)
Ch.69 - Lizardman Kingdom (1)
Ch.70 - Lizardman Kingdom (2)
Ch.71 - Lizardman Kingdom (3)
Ch.72 - Lizardman Kingdom (4)
Ch.73 - Lizardman Kingdom (5)
Ch.74 - Lizardman Kingdom (6)
Ch.75 - Dragon Rare (1)
Ch.76 - Dragon Rare (2)
Ch.77 - Imperial Capital (1)
Ch.78 - Imperial Capital (2)
Ch.79 - Imperial Capital (3)
Ch.80 - Imperial Capital (4)
Ch.81 - Imperial Capital (5)
Ch.82 - Imperial Capital (6)
Ch.83 - Imperial Capital (7)
Ch.84 - Imperial Capital (8)
Ch.85 - Saint (1)
Ch.86 - Saint (2)
Ch.87 - Saint (3)
Ch.88 - Saint (4)
Ch.89 - Saint (5)
Ch.90 - Saint (6)
Ch.91 - Saint (7)
Ch.92 - Saint (8)
Ch.93 - Saint (9)
Ch.94 - Saint (10)
Ch.95 - Evergreen Forest (1)
Ch.96 - Evergreen Forest (2)
Ch.97 - Evergreen Forest (3)
Ch.98 - Evergreen Forest (4)
I Became an All-stats Infinite Elf

Chapter 12: Silver Wolf (1)

Kanna gazed at Ariel's sleeping face as if mesmerized.

As expected of an elf.

Especially, her sleeping face seemed prettier than when she was awake. When awake, she was too expressionless and a bit hard to approach, but her sleeping face was as cute as an angel's.


Kanna fidgeted her fingers hesitantly. At this moment, could she maybe touch Ariel's cheek once?

'No... I shouldn't without permission. She might feel disrespected...'

Still, though, if Ariel didn't wake up? If she just touched it a little without Ariel knowing?

Someone had once told Kanna, "If you don't get caught, it didn't happen."

The one who said that was Jack, the village's biggest delinquent and the culprit behind Ariel's kidnapping incident this time, but that wasn't important to Kanna right now.

'As long as I don't get caught.'

In the end, Kanna reached out her finger and poked Ariel's cheek.


Ariel's cheek was unbelievably squishy. Soft and tender, like a mochi rice cake.

'Ahh... this is it...'

Kanna shuddered with rapture, and at that moment, Ariel opened her eyes.


Kanna was startled enough to nearly jump. Ariel stared blankly at Kanna.

"Ah, ah, no, that is, um.... I thought if you slept here you might catch a cold..."

And since Ariel's original adventurer-like clothes were being washed, Kanna put her own pajamas on her.

"Hmm, a bit big after all."

Kanna's pajamas were too large for Ariel. The sleeves hung down covering her hands.

'There we go.'

Kanna nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, Kanna had carefully chosen the pajamas to put on Ariel, fully expecting this fit.

And now, Ariel was exactly as cute as Kanna had anticipated.


Seeing Kanna's ominous laughter, Ariel felt an inexplicable chill.


Ariel, who had lazed around in the inn room all day, didn't wake up until the next morning.

Feeling something clinging to her, she looked to the side to find Kanna tightly hugging her.

Ariel didn't know since she was asleep, but the previous night, Lu had been drinking heavily with the villagers until late, and eventually passed out, so Kanna had to carry him to the room.

And when Kanna brought Lu to the room, she discovered Ariel sleeping in Kanna's pajamas...

Unable to resist the temptation, Kanna ended up hugging Ariel tightly as she slept.

Ariel pushed Kanna aside and rose from the bed.

Outside the window, the sun was rising. Just before falling asleep last night, she had wondered if she might wake up back in reality, but it didn't seem to be the case.

She was still in the game world. Well, it didn't really matter either way. There was no need to think too complexly about it.

As long as she could continue adventuring, that was enough.

Ariel changed back into her own clothes. 

Thanks to Kanna diligently washing them yesterday, her clothes smelled nice.

She neatly folded the borrowed pajamas.


Then Kanna woke up from her sleep.

Rubbing her eyes, Kanna looked around as if unable to understand why she was there.

Soon after, she looked at Ariel with an 'ah' expression.

"Ah, Ariel. Sorry, I just fell asleep here while bringing Lu back yesterday. I was too tired. Was it very inconvenient for you?"

Pretending it was an accident, Kanna gauged Ariel's reaction.

Usually Kanna never lied, but she was just an ordinary human after all. 

Fortunately, Ariel didn't seem to mind much.

Ariel returned the pajamas to Kanna.

Receiving the pajamas, Kanna asked, "Are you leaving now?"


"I see... You did say you were adventuring."

Kanna felt regretful, but she couldn't hold Ariel back either. 

Ariel couldn't stay in Herrington Village, and she had said she would only stay one night anyway.

"Oh, I have something to give you before you go. Wait a moment. I'll prepare it right away."

Leaving those words, Kanna hurriedly ran out of the room.


Ariel left the room after Lu woke up.

Waking up with a hangover, Lu groaned and made a healing powder to apply on himself and put in his mouth.

Soon feeling refreshed, he shouted "Let's go, sis!" and climbed onto Ariel's shoulder.

When Ariel came out, Kanna was waiting at the inn counter.


Kanna handed over a large paper bag.

"A gift."

Ariel opened the paper bag.

Inside were cream buns that Ariel liked and fruit wines that Lu liked, packed full.

"It's a token from the villagers. Don't refuse and accept it."

Ariel had no intention of refusing in the first place.


Lu was delighted to see the fruit wine, and Ariel put the whole paper bag into her Inventory.

Once in the Inventory, the cream buns and fruit wines would preserve their current state. She could take them out and eat whenever she wanted during her adventure.

A rare smile bloomed on Ariel's lips. 

It was such a faint smile that it was hard to notice unless you looked closely, but Kanna could tell.

"Ah, Ariel, you like it...?"

Kanna choked up for no reason and her eyes welled up with tears. 

Ariel, who had been unresponsive, actually liked the gift, and Kanna was so touched she could hardly hold back her tears.

Ariel didn't understand why Kanna was crying, but somehow it bothered her.

Wondering if she had anything to give, Ariel took out a necklace from her Inventory and put it around Kanna's neck. 

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It was a necklace made by stringing together animal bones.

She had taken it from the Goblin King who had been wearing it around his neck.


Kanna was startled to see the necklace.

A necklace made of strung animal bones seemed creepy and scary.

But since Ariel gave it to her, she had to manage her expression. Kanna forced a smile.

"Th-This, you're giving it to me?" 


"Th-Thank you..."

Forcing a smile made the corners of Kanna's mouth tremble, but even that went unnoticed by Ariel.

Ariel turned around and walked straight to the village's palisade without stopping. 

Only after the sentry opened the palisade did Ariel look back.

By then, the villagers had gathered to see Ariel and Lu off. 

Jack's gang was nowhere to be seen, but the village chief, his daughter Daisy, and even Kanna were all looking at Ariel with regretful expressions.

An awkward silence fell, and Kanna cried out while sobbing,

"Ariel...! Come visit again! You understand? You must!" 

Starting with that, the villagers one by one opened their mouths.

"That's right, Lady Ariel! Feel free to visit anytime! You're the benefactor of our village!"

"Sir Lu! Let's have a grand drink together next time!"

"Please take care of yourselves!"

In response to the villagers' fervent reactions, Lu shed tears and waved his hand.

"Hiks, farewell...! I will definitely come again!"

Ariel also waved slightly at the villagers, then turned and started walking away.

And so, Ariel's adventure began anew.


After leaving Herrington Village, Ariel set her destination for the city. 

She planned to observe how people lived in the city and sell the monster corpses.

Of course, there was no need to rush, so her pace was excruciatingly slow.

She walked leisurely, enjoying the nature, and when hungry, took out cream buns from her Inventory to eat, simply savoring the relaxing time.


Lu, who had gotten drunk on fruit wine and sprawled on a rock even in the daytime, muttered,

"Sis... I smell something..."

Ariel was soaking her feet in the lake and gazing blankly at the sky when this happened.

Then she turned her head at Lu's words.

Ariel couldn't tell what kind of smell he was referring to.

"Mmm, I'm sure..."

Lu squirmed and got up, then shoved a handful of pre-made healing powder into his mouth.

As Ariel walked away from the lakeside, the now sober Lu narrowed his eyes, looking towards the forest, and said,

"I smell blood nearby, sister. Shall we take a look?"

At Lu's question, Ariel nodded.

If there was a vibration of blood smell, it was likely a fight had broken out nearby.

Watching fights was the most enjoyable spectacle.

Ariel and Lu climbed up a tree, concealed their presence, and approached the source of the blood smell.

The closer they got, the stronger the blood smell became for Ariel too.

Sounds like "Kyaaak" or "Kyaooo" as if animals were howling could also be heard.

Soon after, Ariel and Lu arrived at the site of the fight.

Hiding in the high branches, they saw there was indeed a fight happening.

The ones fighting were orcs with green skin and a silver-furred wolf.

There were dozens of orcs, but only one silver wolf fighting them.


Lu spoke while perched on Ariel's shoulder.

"That silver wolf is an incredible being."

Ariel didn't know, but she could somehow resonate with Lu's words that the silver wolf was an extraordinary being.

Its silver fur gave off a mystical feeling, and its build was much larger than regular wolves.

"But it's not looking good..."

Lu's voice darkened slightly.

Around the silver wolf were the corpses of other smaller silver wolves.

There were seven in total, and judging by their tiny sizes, they seemed to be pups.

The silver wolf's pups were all lying there covered in blood, dead.

"From what I can see, it looks like the orc gang killed the silver wolf's pups, and the mother is putting up a desperate fight."

Ariel silently watched the silver wolf fighting the orcs.

Indeed, as Lu said, the silver wolf was engaged in a desperate struggle.

Not caring about its own body at all, it was recklessly charging at the orc gang.

Wolves are usually calm beasts, but having lost her pups, she could no longer maintain her sanity.

The outcome of the fight was obvious.

Though a few orcs lay fallen with their necks torn out by the silver wolf, there were far more orcs still able to fight.

Eventually, the silver wolf was struck by an orc's swinging axe and collapsed to the ground.

The orc gang quickly rushed over to prevent the silver wolf from getting back up, stomping and kicking her mercilessly.

Letting out pained cries of "Kyuhn, Kyuhnnn," the silver wolf lay on the ground, panting, no longer having the strength to stand up.

Still, she glared at the orcs with eyes filled with fury.

One orc cackled as he stepped on the silver wolf's neck area and raised his axe high.

"It's the end" Lu blurted out flatly.

The fight was over. The moment the orc brought his axe down, the silver wolf would follow her pups to the other side.

And the silver wolves' corpses would all become food for the orcs.

It was bleak, but unavoidable. A natural occurrence. 

Just as the orc was about to bring his axe down,

Ariel murmured softly,


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I would say fenrir but there’s no way it would be this weak.

1 week ago
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2 weeks ago
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Table of Contents

00 Prologue 01 Adventure (1) 02 Adventure (2) 03 Adventure (3) 04 Herrington Village (1) 05 Herrington Village (2) 06 Kidnapping (1) 07 Kidnapping (2) 08 Kidnapping (3) 09 Kidnapping (4) 10 Kidnapping (5) 11 Kidnapping (6) 12 Silver Wolf (1) 13 Silver Wolf (2) 14 Silver Wolf (3) 15 Sierra City (1) 16 Sierra City (2) 17 Sierra City (3) 18 Sierra City (4) 19 Sierra City (5) 20 Sierra City (6) 21 Banquet (1) 22 Banquet (2) 23 Banquet (3) 24 Banquet (4) 25 Banquet (5) 26 Intruder (1) 27 Intruder (2) 28 Companionship (1) 29 Companionship (2) 30 Companionship (3) 31 Dragon (1) 32 Dragon (2) 33 Dragon (3) 34 Ted (1) 35 Ted (2) 36 Barbarians (1) 37 Barbarians (2) 38 Barbarians (3) 39 Dwarven Mountains (1) 40 Dwarven Mountains (2) 41 Dwarven Mountains (3) 42 Dwarven Mountains (4) 43 Dwarven Mountains (5) 44 Dwarven Mountains (6) 45 Goldcastle (1) 46 Goldcastle (2) 47 Goldcastle (3) 48 Goldcastle (4) 49 Goldcastle (5) 50 Goldcastle (6) 51 Goldcastle (7) 52 Goldcastle (8) 53 Goldcastle (9) 54 Goldcastle (10) 55 Goldcastle (11) 56 Goldcastle (12) 57 Goldcastle (13) 58 Goldcastle (14) 59 Dungeon (1) 60 Dungeon (2) 61 Dungeon (3) 62 Dungeon (4) 63 Dungeon (5) 64 Dungeon (6) 65 Dungeon (7) 66 Dungeon (8) 67 Dungeon (9) 68 Dungeon (10) 69 Lizardman Kingdom (1) 70 Lizardman Kingdom (2) 71 Lizardman Kingdom (3) 72 Lizardman Kingdom (4) 73 Lizardman Kingdom (5) 74 Lizardman Kingdom (6) 75 Dragon Rare (1) 76 Dragon Rare (2) 77 Imperial Capital (1) 78 Imperial Capital (2) 79 Imperial Capital (3) 80 Imperial Capital (4) 81 Imperial Capital (5) 82 Imperial Capital (6) 83 Imperial Capital (7) 84 Imperial Capital (8) 85 Saint (1) 86 Saint (2) 87 Saint (3) 88 Saint (4) 89 Saint (5) 90 Saint (6) 91 Saint (7) 92 Saint (8) 93 Saint (9) 94 Saint (10) 95 Evergreen Forest (1) 96 Evergreen Forest (2) 97 Evergreen Forest (3) 98 Evergreen Forest (4)

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