The Ruler's Garden

Ch. 02

A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (1)

The Ruler's Garden

Chapter 02: A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (1)

One day, a disaster suddenly began.

Some disasters took the form of monsters, while others took the form of buildings with different appearances.

Yet, some disasters took the form of humans.

―Wow, even after such a long time, everyone still has that dumb look on their faces. It seems you all missed me quite a bit.

"What are you talking about..."

The person responsible for the last mentioned disaster... the Librarian, waved her hand cheerfully through a clear hologram without any noise.

She was shameless to the point of having no sense of embarrassment or shame.

―Ah, for those of you denying it, no need to be shy. This Librarian already knows your true feelings.

I decided to keep my mouth shut. Given that she's a suspicious entity with no revealed identity, I doubted she would even listen to the words of a lowly C-rank hunter like me.

―Well, I have a mountain of things I want to say, but let's get to the point! You, your frail humankind, must be curious about why I have appeared, right?

Honestly, curiosity aside, it would be more appreciated if she just didn't appear at all.

No news is good news, as they say. No one welcomed the Librarian, who only appeared to drop all sorts of nonsensical [missions], [trials], and [malice].

...Ah, come to think of it, there seem to be some who do welcome her. The world is full of people with twisted minds, so there are those who worship the Librarian as a god or something.

―Actually, I have a lot of work to do~ Being busy is an eternal truth for someone bearing the title of Administrator, isn't it? Originally, I was planning to wait around for about a year, causing minor mischief...

"People are dying in droves, and you call that minor mischief?"

Even if it's true that a person bearing the title of Administrator is busy, I've never heard of an Administrator causing incidents where masses of people die as a form of [minor mischief].

I narrowed my eyes and glared at the brown-haired woman beyond the hologram.

―I must say, humankind, you have shown much more strength than I thought.

Whether she was displeased or contemplating something, the Librarian touched her lower lip with her hand not holding a book and wore a serious expression.

―Honestly, I thought you'd act much more foolishly. With governments being destroyed, anarchy spreading, organizations and families disbanding, wars and refugees everywhere... and if someone foolishly launched a nuclear weapon, it would be perfect, the epitome of perfection.

"What kind of apocalyptic scenario is this person writing..."

"It seems you've been exposed to too many apocalyptic genre novels or comics."

As hunter Yoon Juyoung and I couldn't help but comment, the Librarian once again wore a smile on her previously expressionless face. It was a fitting description to say the smile was slapped on. In an instant, a fake smile appeared on her face that had been expressionless just a second ago... Ugh.

―Well, take it as a compliment. At least it means humankind wasn't as incompetent as I thought.

A compliment should feel like a compliment. When someone smiles so obviously fake while saying it, no one would take it as a compliment.

Ah, except for those brain-dead followers of some new Administrator religion or whatever.

―Anyway, for that reason... I'm thinking of starting what I had planned for about a year from now.

With those words, the Librarian opened the book she had been holding.

The book the Librarian held was a thick, hardcover book, like an encyclopedia, and from a distance through the hologram, it seemed to have a rather antique appearance.

Humming a tuneless melody, the Librarian held out the opened book for us to see.

―Now, you human beings with eyes, would you like to read it for yourself?


What on earth is this about? Suddenly a tutorial?

In that moment, not fully understanding the word written in the book presented by the Librarian, I reflexively looked at hunter Yoon Juyoung.

Hunter Yoon Juyoung, with a very serious and earnest face, looked at the hologram, then feeling my gaze, immediately turned his head to meet my eyes.

"Are you feeling peckish, master? Shall I prepare some fruit for you right away?"

"Stop calling me master."

Even in this situation, the fact that he subtly calls me master is very regrettable. I sighed deeply and once again focused on the Administrator's video.

―As the saying goes, there's a tutorial in games, and for new activities, there's a class for beginners. Of course, when we first met, I did say something about the beginner tutorial difficulty being over... well, if we really get down to it, it's like saying before the game or the real story starts, [In a peaceful village~] sort of thing.

It would have been nice if just the [In a peaceful village] part continued before the story started.

―So, for our humankind that needs to be spoon-fed every little thing, I have personally prepared a tutorial for you. Clap, clap, clap, applause!



I silently looked at hunter Yoon Juyoung. hunter Yoon Juyoung also silently stared back at me. Though it was a very brief exchange, hunter Yoon Juyoung and I could immediately tell what the other wanted to say.

It was a kind of empathy that anyone living in this world, no matter which country they lived in, what gender they were, or how they lived their life, could feel.

[It seems like the Administrator is up to some dog-like antics again.] That's where the anxiety comes from.

―Now, the first tutorial is─ because it seems our foolish humankind is wasting human resources quite a bit, I've prepared it for you. Ta-da!

With a ta-da, the Librarian turned the book to the next page.

Beyond the page that was boldly labeled [Tutorial], the page unfolded by the Librarian contained words that were very sudden, regrettable, absurd, and would make anyone wonder what kind of nonsense this was.

[Tutorial 1. Group Project]

"Are you kidding me?"

―[Humankind] is foolish, but I have discovered some merits in your civilization. Just as ants do, if there's one thing you're good at, it's cooperation, isn't it? Each individual might be as dumb and weak as an ant, but when united, humankind is strong. So, to help you make the most of your strengths, I have prepared this myself.

What is this woman talking about. It's clear that this plan was prepared with the intention of messing with us. It's obvious.

I stared at the four letters still floating on the page with eyes filled with horror.

―Now, the first tutorial is a group project! That is, from S-class to C-class! Our frail hunters who are currently—diligently tackling dungeons, to enhance your cooperation! You must clear the dungeon that will appear today at twelve o'clock, in teams including assigned members of each rank!

* * *

As always happens when the Administrator appears, governments of various countries and intelligence facilities entered emergency meetings immediately after she showed up.

I sighed as I watched the news on the TV screen stating [The Dungeon Management Committee and the Hunter Management Committee are currently in an emergency meeting, and the results will be announced after four o'clock…….].

"What exactly is the Librarian so dissatisfied about……."

"Who knows. It seems like she might be the type who, unable to see her own shortcomings, resents the world for not recognizing her. Of course, it's uncertain if she's really a person."

"That sounds quite plausible."

It's a story with a frustratingly high possibility. I chewed on a piece of apple given to me by hunter Yoon Juyoung and sighed deeply once again.

"Clearing seven designated dungeons per country in the first place... What are they thinking, especially in countries with fewer than seven S-rank hunters?"

S-rank hunters aren't beings that can appear through effort or national support. As frustrating as it is, S-rank hunters are those who are chosen or born that way. In other words, their emergence isn't something that can be controlled by human effort.

Naturally, the number of S-rank hunters residing in each country varies.

"No need to look far, even North Korea above us... might be in big trouble."

"Ah, North Korea only had two publicly known S-rank hunters, right?"

"Yes. And even that number is said to be exaggerated... It's quite dangerous in many ways."

The Librarian explained the benefits of clearing the tutorial as well as the disadvantages of failing to do so.

The benefits of clearing... weren't particularly special. High-quality equipment or equivalent items, and a large amount of resources provided to all participants.

However, what was a bit unique this time was the number of dungeons to clear─ that is, the rewards for clearing seven dungeons were to be provided to each country.

[I wonder what the higher-ups are saying right now... Ah, come to think of it, there was no rule saying you couldn't bring hunters from other countries to clear it, right?]

Then, in the case of our country, which currently has a total of ten S-rank hunters, we could potentially send three of our seven to support countries lacking in S-rank hunters.

Of course, considering their past actions, some hunters might just ignore the country's orders and go AWOL.

TLN: AWOL is abbreviation.

[Even the current ranking number one has been AWOL recently.]

S-rank hunters often have a high level of pride, self-esteem, and a disregard for others that matches their abilities.

A prime example of this type of S-rank hunter is the current ranking number one, Sword Emperor Jeong Sejin. He has a cool yet somewhat chuunibyou nickname, "Sword Emperor," and he lives up to his nickname with his strength and disregard for others.

[He even ignored the government's support request last time.]

I don't know the details, but he was asked to lead a team to tackle a newly appeared special dungeon... and he just went AWOL without even responding.

The Hunter's Daily reported on this with the tone, [As expected of the Sword Emperor, he coolly went AWOL, ignoring the government's request.]

But considering that just a week before that article, the Hunter's Daily had written an article with the tone, [An unlucky and despicable guy], because the Sword Emperor ignored their interview request, it's quite funny.

"Seohee-nim, have another slice of apple. This is the last one."

"Ah, thank you..."

Wait a minute. Hasn't this person gotten too comfortable in my house?

I chewed on the apple with a serious expression and looked at hunter Yoon Juyoung.

Regardless of what I thought, hunter Yoon Juyoung was calmly heading to the kitchen with the empty plate. And then he immediately started doing the dishes...

[No, seriously, this is just like having a nanny.]

Cooking meals, doing the dishes, cleaning, and even feeding me snacks. No matter how I looked at it, this was exactly like having a nanny.

Why would someone who's an S-rank hunter play nanny for others? They're an S-rank hunter, right? They're in a position where they could command all sorts of people with just a gesture.

The biggest problem in this situation was that hunter Yoon Juyoung's care wasn't bad at all. No, to be honest, it was good. Very good.

Anyone who has lived alone would understand, or actually, anyone who has done housework knows how annoying it is.

It's a task that must be done, but if not done, it quickly shows, and even if done diligently, it's hard to feel any sense of accomplishment, that's housework.

Who would dislike someone who does all the housework perfectly and without complaint?

I looked at hunter Yoon Juyoung with a complex feeling that I couldn't express in words.

For a very brief moment, really, just for a very brief moment... I felt terribly sorry for thinking, [Hmm, this isn't too bad?].

To possess a promising young man with my skills and settle for the present. It seems my conscience has worn thin and chipped away in places.

"Um, hunter Yoon Juyoung. Should I... do the dishes? I feel like I should..."

"Huh? No, please relax, Seohee-nim. It's my pleasure to see you resting comfortably."

"But, even if you say that, it feels a bit... "

Letting someone else wash the dishes I've used feels a bit... No, it feels very wrong. It's enough to prick even a non-existent conscience.

I quietly approached hunter Yoon Juyoung and pressed his arm, indicating that I wanted to do the dishes.

Of course, as I somewhat expected, hunter Yoon Juyoung just smiled brightly and replied with something like, "I'll do it, master."

Don't call me master.

"Can I really not do it? It seems like it would ease your mind─"


Suddenly, a strange loud noise occurred. Startled, I felt my hair stand on end and immediately turned around to look behind me. Then, the loud noise erupted again.

Boom, boom boom, boom boom boom.

This time, it wasn't just once, the loud noise continued successively.

And not long after, something huge broke through our living room with a loud noise.


To reiterate, it broke through our living room. I stared dumbfounded at [that thing] that had come through our living room. It was black and pointy... What should I call it? It looked like part of a roof.

In the midst of trying to grasp what was happening, hunter Yoon Juyoung suddenly picked me up. Without a chance to scream, he quickly carried me out of the house with strength.

"Wa-wait, hunter Yoon Juyoung, what's this─"

"Seohee-nim, look behind you."

"What now― oh my, what is this."

Rumble rumble.

Sounds of something breaking and collapsing were heard, and then a pointy structure was rising above, piercing through the building that was our house.

I watched the place that used to be my home with a strange sense of reality, as if watching a movie.

Sure, like any place where single people live, my house was full of old and worn-out feelings, but now it was gone, and all that was left was a structure rising high without knowing the world.


"W-What is this..."

"It seems..."

Even in this situation, hunter Yoon Juyoung, without any hint of panic, spoke calmly, holding me tightly.

"It seems that the [dungeon] the Administrator mentioned has appeared in Seohee-nim's house."

I blankly stared at the small wristwatch on my wrist.


Administrator... The very time the Librarian had forewarned.

"This is crazy..."

Give me back my house...

* * *

In life, everyone is bound to experience all sorts of things.

For example, sometimes running out of food and having to eat instant noodles for a whole week, or not having enough money to buy shampoo and having to wash your hair with soap,

Or collapsing in front of your house due to a raging cold and being taken to the hospital thanks to a kind-hearted neighbor.

...Well, not everyone might experience these things, but I certainly did.

So, the current situation could also be considered one of those [all sorts of things].

Yes. It's possible for someone to experience their house being destroyed while living.

After all, stories of people losing their homes due to floods, earthquakes, and whatnot frequently appear in the news. So, if I think of this disaster as having unfortunately come my way this time, it's not entirely unbelievable.

Of course, it still feels terrible.

"You were living in a rented place, right?"


"Then, most of the property damage would be related to personal items."

The man in a suit wearing thick-rimmed glasses was busy calculating something, tapping on a calculator and writing on documents.

Half dazed, I watched the man wearing a blue brooch, a symbol of the Dungeon Management Committee, and thought about the various items that must have been destroyed along with my house.

[My second-hand TV that I finally decided to buy after much deliberation... surely it's destroyed... Ah, I borrowed a drying rack from the lady next door... what about that... And the jewelry box containing my earrings must have been destroyed as well...]

The more I think about it, the gloomier it gets. As is often the case with orphans living without a penny to their name, all my possessions were in that house.

Ah, now that I think about it, the mid-range model smartphone in my pocket is still intact. Let's consider this a silver lining amidst the misfortune. Nowadays, without a phone, you can't do anything, so it would have been a real disaster if I didn't have it.

"Firstly, for the property damage, please fill out this application form here. We will conduct an investigation for the exact amount, so just write an estimated amount based on your guess... and here, please write down your most frequently used bank account. Do you have another place to stay for now?"


Obviously, I don't. I have no parents, and the orphanage that I could call my hometown doesn't have the capacity to take in an adult like me.

I haven't ruled out the idea of imposing on a friend's house, but most of the friends I know either live with their families or are living alone in areas outside of Seoul.

"I'm sorry, but it seems I don't have anywhere."

"There's no need to apologize. In that case, would you like us to arrange a nearby hotel through the government?"

"That won't be necessary."

The one who spoke wasn't me or the man sitting across from me, but someone else.

With an expression of unavoidable surprise, I looked at hunter Yoon Juyoung, who was quietly sitting next to me. hunter Yoon Juyoung, facing the man across with a calm smile, received my bewildered gaze without any trouble.


"If you say that, I'll really get angry."

"...Seohee-nim. Anyway, the hotel arranged by the government might not be that great."

"That may be true... but it would still be better than our house."

After all, a place with the name hotel would certainly be much better than my house. I've never stayed in a hotel before, so it might be nice to experience it this time...

"Seohee-nim. You need to consider safety."

...That's definitely something I should consider. I momentarily shelved my dream of a first hotel experience and whispered seriously to hunter Yoon Juyoung.

"Um, would going to a hotel be a bit dangerous...?"

"Yes. After all, places like hotels are somewhat open. There might be journalists coming or... people related to me might show up."

Hearing that, I definitely became concerned. As hunter Yoon Juyoung said, all sorts of journalists would surely come looking, but could the hotel manage to block them? Even if they could block them, I'm not sure about the latter case.

Moreover, with a dungeon suddenly appearing, it seems like the residents of the nearby area, like me, would either stay in a hotel or at a friend's house... In this case, I was worried not only for myself but also for the potential harm to others who would end up staying in the hotel with me.

[Hmm, what should I do.]

Rejecting the hotel meant having nowhere to go, but going to the hotel raised concerns about safety and privacy. Journalists would definitely come. They would come.

I don't know about others, but those from the hunter's newspaper would surely come. Those who have seemingly abandoned any sense of journalistic ethics are crazy enough to not hesitate stalking or sneaking in if it means getting an interview.

"Hunter Yoon Seohee, if you're worried about privacy or safety─"

"Seohee-nim, how about coming to my house instead?"

...It seemed like the Dungeon Management Committee staff was about to say something to me.

(Perhaps) Unintentionally interrupting someone else's speech, hunter Yoon Juyoung, with no awareness of his own actions, continued to look at me with a gentle smile.

Could it be that he's been so charmed by my skill that he's lost all sense?

With that very rational suspicion, I wore a reluctant expression.

"Look, hunter Yoon Juyoung… As I said when I was at your house, you and I have no connection whatsoever."

"How can you say that... Me and Mas─"

"Ah, I'll go! I'll go!"

With that, I was convinced. Right now, hunter Yoon Juyoung knew that I absolutely detested being called [master] to the point of disgust, and whenever he sensed that things weren't going his way, he deliberately brought up that word.

He's really like the epitome of a psychological warfare expert. Judging by his actions, it seems hunter Yoon Juyoung considers me a master in name only, but in reality, he might think of me more as a pet that he needs to personally care for and raise.


"Ah, yes."

The employee, who had completely forgotten due to dealing with hunter Yoon Juyoung, cautiously spoke up. I immediately shifted my gaze from hunter Yoon Juyoung to the employee.

Under the blue tent roof, the symbol of the Dungeon Management Committee, a very cautious look lingered over the employee's face, which had a bluish hue.

He looked back and forth between me and hunter Yoon Juyoung for a moment as if pondering something, then slowly opened his lips to bring up a question.

"So, hunter Yoon Juyoung... You became an S-rank hunter as of yesterday, is that correct?"


That's right, if he's affiliated with the Dungeon Management Committee, he would naturally know about hunter Yoon Juyoung.

I glanced at hunter Yoon Juyoung with an awkward expression. Despite the employee's sudden question, hunter Yoon Juyoung's face remained calm, without any change in complexion.

"Yes, that's correct."

"Ah... I've heard the news. It hasn't been officially announced to the world yet, but I heard you achieved awakening from B-rank directly to S-rank."

"It's embarrassing, but yes. It's an achievement I made thanks to being a bit luckier than others."

Thinking about it, hunter Yoon Juyoung would have done well as a politician. The way he smoothly says only pleasant things was very similar to the politicians I've seen during election seasons.

TLN: Oops..

"Being an S-rank hunter and humble at the same time... The responsible investigator said this S-rank is different from the others, it seems to be true. I wish you only a bright future ahead."

"Thank you for the compliment. I will continue to work hard."

"Ah, but... This might be a bit personal, so it's okay not to answer..."

As they exchanged pleasant words with each other, their gaze suddenly turned to me. Caught off guard by their sudden focus, I stopped zoning out and met their gaze.

What is it? Do they both have something to say to me?

"Um, what is the relationship between you and hunter Seohee?"

Ah, that question.

Feeling somewhat deflated, I awkwardly smiled. Thinking about it, it's natural for someone who saw a man and a woman talking about coming over to their house to be curious.

I opened my mouth to explain our relationship as gently, insignificantly, and normally as possible, stretching it out as much as I could.

"A master-servant relationship."

And then I shut my mouth. Seriously, has this person gone mad?

"Excuse me? What kind of relationship?"

"Master-servant, eum."

I poked hunter Yoon Juyoung's side as secretly and forcefully as I could. And the blowback was on me. True to his S-rank physique, it was incredibly solid, and my poking hand hurt instead.

hunter Yoon Juyoung, even after being suddenly poked in the side, looked at me with a worried face. Honestly, if he has time to worry about me, I wish he'd develop some sense.

"...We've been closely acquainted for some time."

Fortunately, it seemed hunter Yoon Juyoung had at least a bit of sense. I was relieved by the relatively natural sentence coming from his mouth and glanced at the employee to gauge his reaction.

The employee looked back and forth between me and hunter Yoon Juyoung with a suspicious expression but seemed to think it rude to ask further and didn't inquire anymore.

For me, it was truly a relief. If rumors spread that I'm the master of a new S-rank hunter, I'd really want to bury my head and die.

"...Well, your relationship is personal, so I won't ask further. Then, does this mean you won't be moving to the hotel?"

"Ah, yes! Oh, just wondering... when will the subsidy be issued?"

"It's expected to be issued within the next week or so."

At least that was somewhat good news. Especially since I don't even have a single outfit to wear next right now.

I let out a sigh of relief and slowly got up from my seat. It seemed better to prepare for immediate living needs rather than lingering any longer in the Dungeon Management Committee's investigation tent.

"Thank you for your kind response. I'll be leaving now. I need to think about what's necessary for my immediate living needs..."

"Yes, take care, hunter Seohee, and hunter Yoon Juyoung."

He greeted us with a very professional attitude until the end. I was truly grateful for him. Especially since he tried his best to ignore the private stories between me and hunter Yoon Juyoung.

...Not long after, the gratitude I felt for him would turn into rumors spreading on the internet, but... that's a story for [later].


"Um, hunter Yoon Juyoung. No matter how I think about it, this seems like overspending."

"Not at all, so don't worry. I've always saved up since I didn't have any particular hobbies."

"You should save that money, not spend it on buying clothes for someone else."

"I'd rather buy clothes that suit Seohee-nim than save up a few more pennies. It makes me happier."

"That's because of my skill. You'll definitely regret it once the skill effect wears off. Ah, maybe not. Since you're now an S-rank, maybe this level of spending isn't much to you...?"

No, no matter how I think about it, exploiting his money while he's under the effect of a skill that makes him serve me as his master seems wrong to my conscience.

I looked at the paper bags filling the car and hunter Yoon Juyoung's hands with a troubled gaze.

Inside all the paper bags filling hunter Yoon Juyoung's car were various clothes, shoes, and essential items.

[If I had bought them with my own money, I wouldn't feel so troubled.]

The problem was that all these items in the shopping bags were bought with hunter Yoon Juyoung's money, not mine.

As soon as I mentioned that I needed clothes and shoes for my future life and would go shopping for a while, hunter Yoon Juyoung immediately drove his car, picked me up, and took me to a nearby department store.

And as anyone could guess by now, he bought all sorts of clothes, shoes, accessories for me to wear, and even luxury items from various brands that I seemed to have heard of somewhere.

[If it were just ordinary market clothes, it would have been less burdensome... but everything is branded.]

I've always lived by the belief that as long as clothes are wearable and shoes are comfortable, that's enough, so naturally, this shopping trip was a huge shock to me.

Goodness. A single T-shirt costs 100,000 won, and a shirt costs 200,000 won. The shoes he forced me to buy were even priced in the 500,000 won range.

[I thought they looked somewhat luxurious, but he used to wear these kinds of things.]

I've heard plenty of times that the income difference between a C-rank hunter and a B-rank hunter can vary from three to five times... But could he really afford this kind of spending?

I examined the shopping bags filled in both our hands and suddenly remembered that hunter Yoon Juyoung is now an S-rank hunter.

Well, an S-rank hunter could easily fill up this amount of money by clearing a high-level dungeon just once...

[Ugh, but after all, you can't wear these kinds of clothes often if you're going into dungeons. ...Saying this makes me remember that he also bought equipment for dungeon raids. There's no need for this kind of thing if we're only going to low-level dungeons...]

Our meticulous man, hunter Yoon Juyoung, took care of not only clothes for outside the dungeon but also the most important equipment for inside the dungeon.

I sighed again, thinking about the equipment that must be in one of the particularly luxurious shopping bags.

I've only ever collected a few herbs when entering dungeons, so I really don't understand why he bought me this equipment.

It would have been better if he had just bought me a 500,000 won ring that increases athletic ability, which is probably buried in the ruins due to the dungeon's creation. Then, at least, I could rationalize it later by working hard to pay him back.

"We're here, Seohee-nim."

While I was looking at the shopping bags in my hands with a troubled mind, hunter Yoon Juyoung announced that we had arrived at our destination.

Only then did I take my eyes off the shopping bags and look out the window. Beyond the well-maintained, shiny window was a modern detached house with a garden, standing neatly.

Hunter Yoon Juyoung immediately got out of the car first, then came over to my side and opened the door for me.

Thanks to him, I felt like a precious lady from a noble house with a personal car and a driver. It wasn't that I disliked it, but it was a bit overwhelming and embarrassing, and I just wanted to hide in my room.

I grabbed the shopping bags full in both hands and stepped out of the car door that hunter Yoon Juyoung had opened for me.

"Ah, please give me the bags, Seohee-nim."

And just like that, the shopping bags hanging from my hands were naturally taken away. Even when I tried to take the remaining shopping bags inside the car, he said he would bring them later and asked me to focus on following him.

Maybe his real intention is to make me dry up with anxiety.

With nothing in my hands, I awkwardly opened and closed them as I hesitantly followed hunter Yoon Juyoung.

"In most cases, I will always be with you... but just in case, I'll let you know in advance. Although I plan to change it soon, the current password is 0709."


I'll remember it just in case, but I still feel uneasy.

Isn't this technically exploiting someone's vulnerable mental state for fraud? What if hunter Yoon Juyoung, once back to his senses, reports me for unauthorized entry or something?

While I was picking up all sorts of worries, I heard the sound of the password being entered four times, and then the antique-looking main gate opened. I cautiously peered beyond the gate from behind hunter Yoon Juyoung.


Could it be that hunter Yoon Juyoung personally took care of it?

Surrounding the relatively simple detached house were various flowers and trees, arranged pleasingly and looking fresh. Among them was an unnamed tree, laden with brightly blooming pink flowers, as if it was in full season.

I cautiously stepped into his garden, following hunter Yoon Juyoung's lead.

"Did hunter Yoon Juyoung personally tend to the garden?"

"Not all of it... I took care of the trees over here. The rest benefitted from a special item I received as a reward when I was lucky enough to clear a B++ grade dungeon."

There are special items that help with gardening? With a mix of wonder, puzzlement, and curiosity, I looked around the garden.

Anyone could tell that the garden was well-maintained, either by hunter Yoon Juyoung himself or perhaps even by a gardener...

[Indeed, among dungeon items, there are many that are rare in various ways.]

I've heard of a perfume bottle dropping in one dungeon, and a button in another.

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Perhaps the item used for this garden is also one of those rare and seemingly useless types, not well-known to others.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your garden tour, but it might be best to go inside now, Seohee-nim. The weather is still chilly since it's early spring."

"No, it's not cold enough to catch a cold..."

Even the lowest level of Awakened beings, being [Awakened], inherently possess several times the physical strength and immunity of ordinary people.

In that sense, worrying about an Awakened catching a cold due to slightly cool weather in April is nothing more than a foolish concern.

I was about to point this out, but then thought better of it, not wanting to add unnecessary words to someone who was concerned about me, and silently followed hunter Yoon Juyoung towards the house.

"Ah, Seohee-nim."

"What now?"

"Would you consider calling me by a more casual title than [hunter Yoon Juyoung]?"

Standing in front of the door leading to the house, hunter Yoon Juyoung asked with a very serious expression, holding the doorknob.

Is this really something to ask with such a serious face? I tilted my head but readily agreed, considering it wasn't a difficult request.

"Then, I'll call you Mr. Yoon Juyoung."

TLN: Yoon Juyoung-ssi, but I think I'll get rid the "Mr"

"Personally, I would prefer [Juyoung]..."

"I don't think we're that close."

"How can you say that... You and I, Seohee-nim, are the closest master-servant relation─"

"Ah─ I'm more curious about what's inside the house! When are we going in!"

Listening further to Yoon Juyoung in this situation would only get me entangled in his words. Pretending to be unbearably curious, I intently stared at the doorknob he was holding.

Fortunately, this time Yoon Juyoung seemed ready to back down, adding no further words and promptly opening the door.

The first thing visible beyond the opened door, as with any home, was the entrance. Following Yoon Juyoung's gesture to go ahead, I cautiously stepped into the entrance.

As someone entered, the lights in the entrance flickered on, revealing an interior that was meticulously maintained or not lived in at all, appearing spotlessly clean.


I vaguely thought that Yoon Juyoung might not spend much time at home. I carefully stepped in, which was so clean it seemed devoid of any signs of life.

Meanwhile, Yoon Juyoung closed the door behind me and carefully set down the luggage in front of the entrance.

"It's a bit sparse, isn't it? Since I don't spend much time at home... Nonetheless, it's a great honor to have Seohee-nim over at my house."

Joy and vitality seemed to flicker across Yoon Juyoung's pale face as he spoke. His attitude clearly showed that he truly felt honored by my visit.

Therefore, in front of his pure joy, I felt a deep sense of guilt. Every time I saw all the kindness and happiness Yoon Juyoung showed, I couldn't help but think about the influence of my skill.

[How can I get rid of the skill's effect.]

While following Yoon Juyoung, who was smiling brightly and showing me around the house – where the living room was, where the storage was, and which room I could use – I kept thinking the same thought.

[How can I let someone go without bothering them? …]

As a result, I failed to recognize the face of the young man who was looking at me with a thoughtful expression, occasionally devoid of any expression, and then suddenly breaking into a smile.

Of course, even if I had noticed, nothing would have changed.

* * *

There was someone who spoke of being useless.

It's not a distant memory. It's vivid and clear, as if I could reach out and touch it right now, a memory that still lurks right before my eyes.

That person whispered with brightly painted lips. You are useless.

Is the memory of those words true, or is it false? Maybe it was never a story of reality in the first place. Perhaps it was a lie, concocted by pulling a story from a fantasy into reality, as a weak and foolish child might do.

But either way, it doesn't matter. Whether the woman's words were true or false, what was important was reality, the fact right before my eyes. So, let's speak only of the truth, only of reality.

I was useless.

From the beginning to the end, I had never been of use to anyone. It was something like an unshakeable truth. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, no matter how much I tried to ignore and escape from it, it was something I inevitably had to face in the end.

So, I vaguely thought. If there was someone who needed this pitiful self, if there was someone who looked at me with pity and compassion, willing to give me a chance to kiss their shoes, then, if so.


* * *

"What nonsense are you spouting!"



Just a moment ago, it seemed like someone was spouting nonsense, but when I opened my eyes, I saw Yoon Juyoung looking at me with a surprised expression.

What's going on here? Unable to grasp the situation immediately, I blinked stupidly for a moment, then, seeing the morning sunlight pouring in from behind Yoon Juyoung, I quickly got up from my seat.

"Oops, it wasn't directed at you, Yoon Juyoung."

"Yes, I thought as much. But did you have a bad dream? You seem quite upset..."

"Um, just a dream where I had to listen to some nonsense... over and over."

It was a dream about a young child, probably not even old enough for elementary school, constantly saying they were useless, wishing someone would tell them they were useful, and even saying they would kiss someone's shoes if only they would do so.

Thinking about it makes me even angrier. To such a young child, what? You're useless? The person who spouted that nonsense deserves to have their mouth sewn shut.

Even though it was just a dream, it still leaves a bad taste.

"Maybe you're feeling tense because you're staying in an unfamiliar place. Shall I prepare some tea with a nice aroma to help you relax?"

"Uh... no, there's no need for that..."

"Then, should I prepare some simple snacks as well?"

"No, there's really no need for that."

"Ah, if you don't want to leave the bed, I can bring it directly to you─"

"I'll just go out and have some tea, just tea."

I never had the right to refuse in the first place. I pouted my lips and sluggishly lifted my body from the blanket. Yoon Juyoung had already headed to the kitchen to prepare something in advance.

It seemed like he intended to wake me up in the morning, but I felt a bit sorry for having him hear such harsh words as soon as he entered the room.

After quickly tidying up the blanket I had been sleeping under, I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face and tidy up my hair. I'm not particularly interested in grooming, but I didn't want to appear disheveled in front of others.

Actually, I think it was already a lost cause the moment Yoon Juyoung entered the room intending to wake me up.

After getting myself somewhat presentable, I headed to the kitchen. Just then, Yoon Juyoung was pouring the brewed tea into a beautiful transparent teacup.

Following Yoon Juyoung's gesture, I sat down at the dining table and examined the tea he had poured. Even I, who knew nothing about tea, was impressed by its beautiful and clear yellow color.

"The color is very pretty..."

"I'm glad you think so, Seohee-nim."

"What kind of tea is this? Is it something like barley tea?"

I had seen barley tea sold in teabags at the supermarket in front of my house a few times. It was always placed right next to popular teas like green tea and barley tea.

"It's chamomile tea. It's known for its calming effects."


It was a tea I had heard of in cafes. Of course, I had never tried it myself since I wasn't interested in tea. Whenever I went to a cafe, I would only drink iced chocolate or bubble tea, so this kind of tea seemed too inaccessible for me.

I carefully held the teacup. The temperature filling my hands was very warm.

As I cautiously brought the teacup to my lips, Yoon Juyoung sat in the chair next to me, holding his own teacup, and turned on the TV with a remote control. The high-quality TV screen, which looked expensive at a glance, displayed the news program I always watched in the morning.

Does Yoon Juyoung watch this program every morning too?

I suddenly thought, and then remembered that he had spent a night at my house.

...Could it be that he turned it on keeping my daily routine in mind?

I looked at Yoon Juyoung with somewhat uncomfortable eyes, but for the time being, I didn't say anything and quietly sipped the tea.

It wasn't particularly sweet or bitter, bland but... somehow it seemed refreshingly nice. At least it was a taste that even I, who absolutely detests bitter things, could drink without any burden, so I soon comfortably sipped the tea while staring at the TV screen.

As expected, the news program was incessantly talking about yesterday's events. The stories were mostly about the [Administrator] who suddenly appeared yesterday, and the rest were mostly about the newly emerged dungeon.

Ah, this is about me. I focused intently on the female announcer's words, "Due to the dungeon creation causing direct damage to residential areas, attention is focused on the government's response to this situation."

[Since there's a subsidy, I shouldn't worry too much...]

Still, given the recent sudden explosion of events that put my livelihood at immediate risk, I couldn't help but be on edge for various reasons.

Especially since the place I originally worked at gave me a sudden five days of paid leave after the last incident and has been silent since...

Even though being a hunter is a job with a high mortality rate, the death rate in low-difficulty dungeons is a different story. There's a reason they're called low-difficulty dungeons.

The death rate doesn't exceed 1 percent, being very easy and relatively safe dungeons, so... with two deaths occurring in such a place, it wasn't something the government could just overlook.

Of course, the company must be under a lot of pressure from the government regarding management issues...

[If the aftermath comes to me, I'll have to prepare to change jobs immediately...]

Honestly, from the government's perspective, they're doing what they naturally should, and I have no complaints about that, but there are realistic problems.

I stared intently at the TV screen with my teacup.

―I heard the resident was a hunter, if they lost all their equipment, wouldn't their livelihood be in danger immediately?

―That's possible. The government is preparing legislation to provide disaster special subsidies in cases where such dungeon-related disasters affect the victim's work life.

―If that happens, our citizens worried about the various damages caused by the sudden creation of dungeons can feel a bit relieved. Oh, speaking of which, there was news about the [Tutorial] revealed by the Administrator.

What, has a tutorial strategy team been formed already? I sipped the tea while staring at the male anchor adjusting his glasses.

―Investigation results have shown that the newly created dungeon is not as difficult as the so-called [high-difficulty dungeons]. In other words, it's a valuable opportunity for hunters below A-rank to safely acquire expensive equipment.

Oh, that's a relief among other things.

I've heard that B-rank hunters, often thought of when mentioning hunters below A-rank, face many difficulties in acquiring equipment.

Being a C-rank hunter, I'm perfectly happy with the basic dungeon drop equipment sold everywhere, but it was a different story for B-rank.

Unlike C-rank, those who need to engage in proper dungeon raids find that the decent equipment is taken by A-rank, and using cheap equipment suitable for C-rank makes it impossible to exert strength in dungeons... I heard this from a B-rank hunter who was also a manager.

[Speaking of which, what does Yoon Juyoung plan to do about his equipment?]

Now that he's become an S-rank, he obviously needs to equip himself with appropriate gear, but I wonder what he plans to do.

I glanced at Yoon Juyoung, who was elegantly drinking tea like a precious young master, then turned my gaze back to the TV screen.

Not suddenly awakened as a civilian, but having lived as a hunter, I figured he would take care of it himself.

...You're taking care of it properly, right? Surely you're not forgetting about it because you're only thinking about the main... because of the skill's influence, right?

―Ah, by the way, I heard that some hunters who were affected by the creation of this dungeon are being given priority for this dungeon expedition.

What's this about? I stopped sneaking glances at Yoon Juyoung and stared intently at the TV screen in surprise.

Beyond the TV screen, the male anchor with a neat appearance was responding to the female announcer in a very calm tone.

―It seems almost certain. It's an opportunity to safely acquire dungeon drop equipment while accompanying S-rank and A-rank hunters.

Naturally, among B-rank and lower hunters, the competition for this dungeon expedition is high... So, the idea came up to give priority to those who were affected.

―Ah, that sounds like very good news.

So, to summarize the story, it seems that hunters who were affected by the creation of this dungeon are being given priority to participate in the dungeon expedition party.

After all, it was an expedition with S-rank and A-rank hunters.

It wasn't a high-difficulty dungeon that S-rank and A-rank hunters usually frequent, nor was it a common low-difficulty dungeon that B-rank or C-rank often visit.

Naturally, from the perspective of hunters classified as [lower-rank], it wasn't wrong to say it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

[Plus, it's just a priority and not mandatory...]

For someone like me who has no intention of going into a dungeon unnecessarily, it wasn't a bad story since I could refuse.

I relaxed the tension in my body and sipped the tea again. Since I plan to live a normal life as a C-rank hunter, I didn't want to go on such a dungeon expedition.

"Will Seohee-nim give up the priority?"

"Well, yes... I'm leaning towards giving it up. There's no immediate crisis of starving to death, so there's no need to go to a dangerous place just to get some expensive equipment."

Of course, as the anchor said, since S-rank and A-rank hunters are accompanying, there wouldn't be any particularly dangerous situations... but in all things in life, one should never omit the possibility of [what if].

Of course, as the anchor said, since an S-rank Hunter and an A-rank Hunter are traveling together, it's unlikely that particularly dangerous situations will arise... but in the world, it's a rule not to overlook the word "never".

"I'm not a high-ranking hunter who needs to tackle dungeons immediately. It's best to stay safe at home. Ah, but Yoon Juyoung will still go, right?"


"Now that you're an S-rank hunter, you don't have any decent equipment, right? Of course, considering what you bought for me, you might have been using equipment that's okay for B-rank hunters... but it's a different story for S-rank."

Equipment used by S-rank hunters is naturally different and should be different from that used by hunters of lower ranks.

The dungeons that S-rank hunters explore are, from the perspective of a lower-rank hunter like me, almost otherworldly. People who explore such places wouldn't use ordinary equipment meant for lower-rank hunters.

Such people often possess their own unique equipment, the only one of its kind in the world.

[Even the Sword Master uses some amazing and magical weapon.]

What was it? I seem to remember hearing about a sword that changes its shape, number, and abilities depending on the situation.

It can be enchanted with fire, wind, and lightning attributes depending on the desired situation, and it can change into the form of a greatsword when you want a greatsword, and into a rapier when you want a rapier...

[Only someone like the Sword Master could handle such a thing.]

Surely it's a great and wonderful weapon, but it shines because it's used by someone capable of wielding it, if not, it would just be a collectible, nothing more, nothing less.

In that sense, I was thinking that Yoon Juyoung should also find his own equipment soon. After all, having debuted as an S-rank hunter, he would at least need to regularly explore dungeons of A-rank or higher.

"Speaking of which, participating in this dungeon expedition might actually reward you with some pretty good equipment as quest rewards. How about really participating? It might not be a bad idea for Yoon Juyoung, who is in immediate need of equipment─"

While I was in the midst of talking, my smartphone suddenly spat out a familiar melody.

A call at this hour, who could it be?

I put down the teacup I was drinking from and immediately took out my smartphone from my pocket. Under the light of the lamp, the clear smartphone screen displayed the words [Orphanage] unexpectedly.

[What's this, has some problem arisen?]

It was from someone who tried their best to avoid contacting me, not wanting to reach out to a former resident unnecessarily. It must definitely be a big problem. I immediately pressed the green call button and brought the smartphone to my ear.

"It's been a while, Director. ...Has something happened?"

To cut to the chase, it was indeed a big issue. And it was related to the root of all problems in the world, money.

* * *

[When things go wrong, they really go wrong.]

The long-awaited call from the Director, almost a month since the last, was filled with negative content, despite the pleasure of hearing from the caller.

As they say, bad things come in waves, and it seems I'm no exception. While talking to the Director, I looked over the notes I had taken down, jotting down various necessary details, and let out a deep sigh.

"Do you have some worries?"

"The worries of people living in the world are obvious, you know..."

Although I've lived for barely 30 years, there's one thing I've come to understand clearly about life.

Most of the worries and concerns people have can generally be solved with money. And the new worry I had acquired was also of that kind.

[Mana rejection syndrome and an innate mana absorption constitution...]

One day, dungeons and monsters suddenly appeared in the world, and people discovered numerous unknowns they had never faced before.

Among these [numerous unknowns] was a rare disease discovered for the first time about three years ago, mana rejection syndrome.

"I couldn't help overhearing your conversation... Do you have a child you sponsor who has this rare disease?"

"You could say I sponsor them... but it would be more accurate to call them a younger sibling not related by blood. I haven't been able to see her often for various reasons since my awakening."

The child was a twelve-year-old girl named Lee Yuujin, who had followed me around like an older sister when we were at the orphanage.

And well... as you can tell from the mention of the rare disease, Yuujin is a child suffering from mana rejection syndrome, a rare disease with fewer than ten reported cases worldwide.

"It was about three years ago... Yuujin suddenly started experiencing difficulty breathing and burning pain out of nowhere. Naturally, the director and I took her to the hospital."

"And that's when she was diagnosed with a rare disease?"

"Yes. The diagnosis was mana rejection syndrome."

"Mana rejection syndrome... I've heard that name a few times on the news. It's definitely when various symptoms appear when coming into contact with dense mana or being in places where mana is concentrated..."

"You're well-informed. That's correct. In Yuujin's case, it's quite severe, causing her to have seizures even during her daily life."

At first,

no one could properly diagnose Yuujin's symptoms, so we went to all sorts of hospitals. We visited every well-known hospital in the area, not just the ones nearby, and finally got a proper diagnosis at a nearby university hospital.

Mana rejection syndrome. A disease that pushed nine-year-old Yuujin into terrible pain.

"Getting a diagnosis and treatment were two different things, so for a while, we desperately searched for someone who could treat Yuujin. Then, coincidentally, the top specialist in the field contacted us."

Thinking back, we were really lucky. It was fortunate that an American doctor was in Korea for a lecture, that our situation was conveyed to him, and that he expressed a desire to meet us in person.

I blinked my eyes while resting my chin on the table, recalling that time.

"Of course, we immediately took Yuujin to him. And... fortunately, he was able to perform the necessary surgery for her condition, and he agreed to do so."

"...So, it was resolved at that time."

"Yes. There was a bit of a money issue, but I had just awakened at the time... so I immediately went to Seoul and started going through various dungeons."

Despite the doctor's sympathetic help, national health insurance, and the government's financial support for dungeon-related victims, the surgery cost for mana rejection syndrome was still a huge amount that our small private orphanage could hardly afford.

Wondering what to do, whether to take on debt, the director and I were deep in thought and distress, about to contact a loan company when I awakened.

It was a sudden and unexpected awakening, but it was clearly a stroke of luck. I immediately packed my bags and headed to Seoul.

Yuujin's surgery was scheduled for January of the following year, and we had 8 months until the payment date. And in 8 months, with some risk, it was possible to gather enough money for Yuujin's surgery just from the earnings of a C-rank hunter.

[Well... I even collapsed once from trying to save on everything, including eating and sleeping.]

Thanks to the kind lady next door and some good colleagues I met occasionally, fortunately, I didn't starve to death.

Ah, speaking of which, I need to buy a ladle to return to the lady next door... I should take care of this soon.

"Fortunately, we were able to gather the money for Yuujin's surgery. The surgery was successfully completed. But..."

"Did the disease recur?"

"It's not so much a recurrence... No, it is a recurrence...? The fundamental cause isn't the disease. Rather, the problem is the sudden manifestation of an unexpected constitution."

"Constitution... you don't mean."

"Do you have a guess?"

"I'm thinking... maybe a constitution that absorbs mana has manifested."

I've vaguely thought about it before, but Yoon Juyoung seems to know a lot about various things. Perhaps he was quite a good student during his school days.

"Yes, from what I've heard... it seems Yuujin inherently had a constitution that absorbs the mana around her. It's just that it suddenly manifested more strongly now."

"Could it be an awakening?"

"It's not an awakening. Awakening is, after all, the blossoming of an existing constitution, talent, or trait... In Yuujin's case, she just naturally had that constitution, and it has recently become stronger."

If it really had been an awakening, the situation might have been a bit better. Then, through hunter registration and joining the hunter-specific medical insurance, the financial burden would have been less.

[But pressuring Yuujin to awaken, as if it's something she can do just because we want her to, is something I could never do...]

If anyone could awaken just because they wanted to, there would be no non-awakened people in the world. Of course, life doesn't suddenly bloom just because of an awakening, but still, undergoing an awakening has many advantages in itself.

"Anyway, given the situation, we need equipment that can either interfere with the flow of mana or block it entirely..."

"That's where the cost becomes a problem, I see."

"Well, yes. If it's not just about increasing physical abilities, but involves handling mana, the starting price is a thousand, right? Considering the options and effects Yuujin needs right now..."

It would probably cost at least two to three thousand, and if there's no supply, it could even go over four thousand. Even if the options are low, anything related to mana starts at a thousand, so it can't be helped.

[If we're lucky, two to three thousand, and if there's no supply, four thousand... The government subsidy we'll receive this time will be about a thousand in total.]

Due to the sudden creation of dungeons, all the household belongings were destroyed, and the money I had saved up amounted to barely a thousand. No, with the government subsidy coming in, maybe it will just exceed a thousand.

[Between Yuujin's surgery costs, supporting the orphanage, and various expenses... Hmm.]

So, assuming we're lucky, we need to prepare at least one to two million won, and if we're unlucky, up to three to four million won.

[Is that the only way?]

Just as I was thinking about the newly created dungeon, Yoon Juyoung's fingertips gently tapped the back of my hand. It was then that I finally lifted my head from my thoughts and looked at Yoon Juyoung.

"Ah, I was lost in thought and unintentionally ignored you. I'm sorry."

"No, Seohee-nim has no reason to apologize to me. Rather... if it's to the extent you mentioned, I think I can help."


"I have some savings, and as an S-rank hunter, I'll earn additional income from dungeons. So, if you're worried about the financial issue, I can─"

"Wait, hold on a moment, Juyoung. Just a moment."

What is this person talking about? I quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from speaking further.

Yoon Juyoung blinked in surprise, not understanding why I suddenly stopped him from speaking.

"I really appreciate it, but I absolutely do not intend to take Yoon Juyoung's money."

"...But helping master with her difficulties is─"

"No, no. Especially because Yoon Juyoung is saying that, I'm even more resolved not to accept."

If Yoon Juyoung had been in his right mind, and thus had willingly offered to lend me money, I would have bowed my head in gratitude and accepted his help.

Honestly, I don't want to solve my problems by borrowing money from others, but the immediate concern was Yuujin's health. So, if a sane Yoon Juyoung truly wanted to help me, if he had the intention to help, I would have gratefully accepted and planned to repay him steadily, even with interest.

But Yoon Juyoung is definitely not in his right mind right now. I have no intention of belittling Yoon Juyoung's mental state, but regardless, Yoon Juyoung is currently completely bound to me under the influence of my skill.

Accepting Yoon Juyoung's money in such a situation would be no different from coercion. I shook my head with as firm an expression as possible.

"If there really had been no other way but to accept help from Yoon Juyoung... If that had been the case, I might have accepted. No, I would have. Because the urgent matter is Yuujin's health. But fortunately, I have a new way to raise money."

"Are you talking about the dungeon?"

"Yes. Normally, a C-rank hunter like me wouldn't even dream of attempting a dungeon of this level... but this time, I'll be accompanied by S-rank and A-rank hunters. I believe it will definitely be safe."

Of course, I can't fully trust it to be safe. There's no guarantee that the Administrator hasn't planted some kind of trap, and not to mention, the tragedy I experienced in the low-difficulty dungeon just before.

Dungeons always threw unpredictable variables at us, and variables were always a matter of life and death for us.

But still, it was definitely a good opportunity. It was the last chance to resolve Yuujin's situation without having to borrow money from someone completely subjugated to me under the influence of my skill.

"So... I absolutely refuse to back down on this, Yoon Juyoung. I have no intention of taking your money."


"But even so, it's not like there's no way. Well, I might understand if there was a high chance of death, but from what I see, I think that possibility is extremely low. After all, I'll be accompanied by S-rank and A-rank hunters."

Not just any rank, but S-rank. S-rank hunters are considered non-human entities by ordinary people and lower-ranked hunters.

And the possibility of a major crisis occurring in an A-rank dungeon while being accompanied by such people was not very high. No, honestly, it could be considered virtually nonexistent. Because S-rank hunters are fundamentally different from hunters of lower ranks in essence.

"...I understand everything Seohee-nim is saying. But may I ask just one more thing?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Why are you going to such lengths?"


For a moment, I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what he was asking, but after thinking for a while, I realized what he meant.

So... Yoon Juyoung seems to be asking if there's a reason for me to go to such lengths for Yuujin, a child not related by blood.

[Indeed, others might not understand.]

For a child not related by blood, in fact, if we're being precise, a child whose only connection was living together in an orphanage, going to a place where even if there's a low possibility, one's life could be in danger... Indeed, others might find it strange. Even Yoon Juyoung seems to not understand my actions.

But in my opinion, there's a sufficient reason for it.

"Yuujin is a twelve-year-old child."

I rested my elbow on the table and propped my chin on my hand.

"Yuujin... really likes origami. She's good with her hands, so she often folds cranes for me."


"And she's also very kind. There's a friend with intellectual disabilities in our orphanage, you know? She likes flowers, so every day, Yuujin picks a flower from the roadside and gives it to that friend."

I quietly closed my eyes and thought of Yuujin.

Though somewhat thin, she still had the round lines of a child not yet fully shed of baby fat, a voice as clear and transparent as rolling marbles when she called me sister, and black eyes that sparkled as if filled with the Milky Way, unseen in the city, and actions like giving her portion of snacks to the cats living in the orphanage's backyard, I recalled each of these things as if savoring them.

"It's too precious a child to suffer and struggle for a lifetime over a mere sum of money."

I thought about the child's worth.

"Actually, isn't that the case? Which person in the world isn't precious. And Yuujin is too. I just wish that child wouldn't have to struggle or suffer. Just to live like any other child her age, to play well with friends, to eat well, and to grow up healthy... to find something she wants to do, or even to have a boyfriend. I just wish she could grow up like that."

There were other reasons too. Such as the fact that Yuujin and the other children in the orphanage were no different from my own family, or the concern I felt for the director who informed me of Yuujin's situation and said she would take on the necessary amount as debt.

I opened my eyes again and met Yoon Juyoung's gaze once more.

"Just, those things are more precious to me than the risk to my life, which isn't even highly likely, so that's why."

It's not that I lack survival instincts or don't know how to value my own life. It's just that when comparing values, that's what I meant.

If it was really a situation where I was definitely going to die, then maybe, but in a situation where that's not the case, I didn't want to leave that child's suffering unattended or forcibly take someone else's money.

"...Seohee-nim, I..."

"Even if you can't understand, just let it be. Just think, 'So that's the kind of person Yoon Seohee is.'"


Yoon Juyoung didn't add any more words, but he didn't seem to understand my words either. He just closed his mouth as if lost in thought, immersed in his own concerns, and lowered his gaze.

I smiled wryly at Yoon Juyoung and slowly rose from my seat. Having decided to go to the dungeon this time, I had to go through the procedures to use the privilege given to me.

"I'll be leaving first─"


Unexpectedly interrupting me mid-sentence, Yoon Juyoung's gaze was now firmly on me. Forgetting about getting up, I met his eyes in an awkward stance.

"If Seohee-nim says so, I won't deny it."

"Ah… Thank─"

"But then, Seohee-nim, you can't order me to prioritize my own life above all."


What kind of nonsense is this? I opened my mouth to point out the absurdity of Yoon Juyoung's words, but before I could say anything, Yoon Juyoung continued.

"My life is less important to me than Seohee-nim's life. You might say this is just the skill's influence of being bound to you, but at least for me right now, that's how it is."

"No, that… If you're aware it's the influence of a skill, try to think a bit more rationally……."

"That's why I want to accompany Seohee-nim on this dungeon trip."


"Do as you wish, Seohee-nim. I will protect your life in any situation."


…Why do I feel like something has gone terribly wrong? No, it actually seems like something has definitely gone wrong. And that's because..

"The only thing that's important to me is Seohee-nim."

He was saying such things with an innocent smile. Staring blankly at Yoon Juyoung's bright smile, I had to strongly feel once again the sensation I felt on the day I first used the skill.

[Ah, this seems like it's gone completely wrong…….]

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Table of Contents

01 A Dreamer and an Aspiring Slave with Common Sense 02 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (1) 03.1 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.2 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.3 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.4 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.5 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.6 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

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