The Ruler's Garden

Ch. 03.5

A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

The Ruler's Garden

Chapter 03.5: A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

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There are times when dreams and reality are indistinguishable. For example, lying in bed and falling asleep, only to find yourself in a dream also lying in bed and waking up.

We often confuse dreams with reality when the situations in our dreams are not much different from those in reality.

And that was exactly the state I was in now. For some reason, just like the dim darkness of the night I saw in my dream, a darkness where I couldn't see an inch ahead of me was unfolding in my reality.

I blinked several times and flailed my arms and legs. Hmm, fortunately, although my legs were a bit sore, there was no loss of limbs, and they moved just fine.

[But where is this…….]

Judging by the sensation touching my legs, it seemed like I was on a grassy field, but I couldn't be sure. After all, I literally couldn't see anything.

[I remember being bitten by a wolf… but I don't know what happened after that.]

The last thing I clearly remembered was a black wolf biting my leg and Yoon Juyoung, who had somehow come to my side, grabbing my hand… But when I came to, all I saw was pitch darkness.

As I massaged my strangely numb leg, pondering how to get out of this situation, an idea of what I could possibly do came to mind.

[My magic, wasn't it the holy attribute?]

Although it couldn't compare to the light attribute, holy attribute magic tended to emit a faint light when used.

Of course, my magic was so weak and of such poor quality that it would blatantly receive a C rank… but still, it was something I could use in this situation. Without hesitation, I gathered magic above my right hand.


A small and faint orb of light appeared in the space that had been completely dark. Compared to the light of a flashlight or a bulb, it was excessively weak to the point of being almost meaningless, but in a situation where I couldn't see anything, I was grateful for even this.

I immediately got up unsteadily and used the light to look around. As I suspected, the area around me was a grassy field.

[It doesn't seem to be completely natural though……?]

Due to the small light source, it wasn't very visible, but I could vaguely make out traces of a place where people might have lived. Notably, the place where I was standing had flat rocks laid out in a row, likely used for stepping.

[A hidden dungeon, maybe? Or perhaps an erosion situation?]

If that black wolf that bit my leg was the final boss monster, then it wouldn't be strange if my current situation was due to the boss monster's [Erosion].

…Actually, it was quite strange for a final boss monster to appear outside its own territory, but I had already experienced such a thing.

[Could there be something odd with the dungeon's state recently?]

Considering that the red chimera appeared in a strengthened form and even left its territory… the state of the dungeons lately did seem suspicious.

I straightened up and looked around again. If this was still inside a dungeon, I couldn't afford to be careless. I had to find a safe place to hide until the other party members found me. Otherwise─


"Great, one shitty situation after another……."

This is just fantastic. I swallowed dryly at the sound of a beast's growl coming from nearby. It seemed… that the black wolf that bit my leg was around here.


Speaking of which… the leg that the wolf bit didn't seem to be as badly injured as I thought.

I glanced down at my leg, which was slightly bloody but seemed fine to walk on. Due to the small light source, I couldn't see it properly, but there didn't seem to be a lot of blood flowing from the leg.

[Did the ring work its effect……?]



Whatever the case, what mattered now was surviving this situation. Honestly, it looked pretty hopeless, but I had to try to hold out to the end.

I touched the ring on my right hand again, swallowing dryly. The ring I was wearing had an effect that could reduce sudden fatal impacts, though it only worked up to 3 times.

The effect must have been activated when that wolf bit my leg... so it's correct to think that I have two chances left now.

[Can I really hold out until my party members arrive with just those two chances?]

Honestly, it was questionable whether the party members could even make it here.

But rather than assuming a desperate situation, I thought it better to do what I could for now, so I placed my left hand over the ring on my right hand and listened as hard as I could to the sounds around me.

I was desperate to hear the howling of wolves, or at least the faint sound of their footsteps.


There was the sound of small footsteps on the grass. Definitely not human. This had to be the sound of a wolf.

No sooner had I thought this than suddenly there was the sound of something rushing towards me like the wind.


Without knowing where I was going or which direction the wolf was rushing from, I rolled my body haphazardly. Luckily, it seemed my choice wasn’t wrong as something whizzed past the direction I had just been standing.

[Thank goodness…]

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Before I could even feel relieved that I had apparently avoided it, something slammed into me whole. At the same moment, I felt a sensation of not being able to breathe as my body rolled several times on some unknown ground.

I only managed to regain my senses when my body, which had been tumbling due to the sudden impact, finally stopped.

[Ugh, I thought it was offset…]

I felt like I was going to throw up right then. No, it seemed like I was already halfway there. I felt something like stomach acid rising in my throat, but I had no time to pay attention to that. Because….

[How did things get so messed up…]

Right above my head, I could feel breathing that was definitely not human. If there was a beast panting like that above my head in this situation, it was obvious. It was definitely that black wolf that had bitten my leg.

I touched the ring on my right hand with trembling fingers. One chance left. The one thing I could do with that one chance was….


What could a C-rank Hunter do against an A- minus rank final boss monster? Even if I stabbed it with all my might using the weapon I had, the creature wouldn’t even blink.

And it’s not like there was another way. Even if I managed to dodge its attack and run away, the outcome between me, who could barely see in front of me, and an A- minus rank boss monster was painfully obvious.

[To have lasted this long…]

It was somewhat like the instinct of a prey animal being hunted, but the creature wasn’t using its full strength against me.

…Whether it wasn’t using its full strength or couldn’t, I wasn’t sure, but that was the situation. Right now, the black wolf didn’t seem to be fully exerting the power of an A- minus rank dungeon boss monster.

[If this were a manga, I’d take advantage of the enemy’s carelessness…]

But that’s a story when there’s a certain level of difference in strength, not something that applies in a situation like this.

I shivered as I felt the beast’s breath move from my head down to my face, neck, and shoulders. I truly felt like prey in front of a predator.

[Is there really nothing? Any last option I can try?]

The beast’s snout that had been brushing my shoulder moved away for a moment. Not long after, I felt a searing pain on my arm. A groan slipped through my clenched teeth.

It was a similar sensation to when my leg was bitten. Although it was somewhat mitigated, the sharp pain of something piercing my flesh and the hot breath of a living being couldn’t be completely unfelt.

[There goes my last chance.]

The creature that had lightly bitten my arm backed away slightly. Perhaps it was curious about its prey that seemed relatively fine despite being bitten, or maybe it was being cautious in its own way.

It wasn't a moment for despair. I forcefully suppressed the groan that almost escaped my lips and swallowed it down, as if pushing it back into my throat. Then, I glared at the invisible black wolf, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

[Really, if only Yoon Juyoung were here… It’s funny to think about it. What am I, a kid looking for their mom?]

It's just an A- rank dungeon monster. No matter how much of a boss monster it is, to a being of a higher rank, it's merely a small fry A- rank monster that can be freely devoured.

...But even so, Yoon Juyoung isn't here in the reality I'm facing right now, and I'm alone. I eventually let out a hollow laugh, unable to hold it in.

Yes, that's right. In the end, people are alone. Born alone and die alone. Even if born on the same day and dying on the same day, that birth and death are entirely one's own.

[If I die, I hope the skill cast on you is lifted, Yoon Juyoung.]

Just in case the skill doesn't get lifted even after my death, it would really be troublesome. ...Of course, that's unlikely.

Eventually, with half resignation, I closed my eyes and bowed my head. It was the same mindset as when I faced the Red Chimera. Hoping for no pain. Or at least, for less pain.

That's what I tried to think.


Something suddenly occurred to me.

[Does my skill only work on humans?]

...Is there no possibility of it working on monsters?

With the thought that suddenly came to me, I quickly raised my head and stared in the direction where the creature would be. Although I still couldn't see anything, there was something there that wasn't there before. Hope. The most bitter yet at the same time the most brilliant thing.

[It's do or die anyway.]

If it fails, death is all that's left. There's nothing bad in making a last attempt when facing certain death. I clenched my teeth as I listened to the light footsteps of the wolf that seemed to be approaching me.

[Skill, Ruler's Garden.]

The magic that was always quietly dormant inside me stirred slightly.

It felt somewhat gentle, clear, and at the same time, warmly comforting.

I grabbed all those sensations and infused them into my skill.


There is an emotion I felt that day. On the day I made the last gamble of my life, with the activation of the skill, what I felt and saw.

There was light.

A light so intense that it could brighten the world filled with nothing but darkness.

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Table of Contents

01 A Dreamer and an Aspiring Slave with Common Sense 02 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (1) 03.1 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.2 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.3 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.4 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.5 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.6 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

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