The Ruler's Garden

Ch. 03.2

A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

The Ruler's Garden

Chapter 03.2: A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

―What are you planning to do?

A voice suddenly descended through the thick darkness that made it impossible to see even an inch ahead. The woman stopped flipping through the book she had been reading for a while and briefly lifted her head to gaze in the direction from which the voice had come.

"Contacting me after such a long time, I thought to greet you warmly, but you dive straight into the main point?"

―Don't talk as if it's only me. You did the same whenever you contacted me.

A voice laced with laughter sighed softly in response. Instead of replying to the voice, the woman shifted her gaze back to the book she had been reading.

―So, what are you really planning to do? I heard the news. A Master Key has appeared.

"...Who spread those rumors to you? There are too many people with loose lips."

―It's not about people being loose-lipped. It's because the appearance of a Master Key is such a special event.

As is typical of people drawn to intriguing stories, the voice coming from beyond the darkness was coated with interest and curiosity.

Eventually, the woman closed the book she had been reading for a while. Admitting that her plan to read leisurely had been long gone the moment that voice was heard was an act of acknowledgment.

"I'll stick to the principles."

―By principles, you mean? You'll get rid of it?

"Yes. I'll eliminate it through trials within the possible limits. Rashly intervening could lead to undesirable outcomes."

―That's boring. I thought you'd handle the Master Key in a more interesting way.

"It sounds like you're hoping I'd break the principles."

―Not at all. I just thought you'd do something fun within the limits of adhering to the principles.

The woman, having placed the book back on the shelf right in front of her, let out a sigh that was almost a breath. The hedonist always had a way of teasing people right on the edge, so the woman was very reluctant to engage in conversation with the owner of the voice.

"If you're done talking, just leave. Don't bother me."

―Hey, that's too harsh. Who has been there watching everything from before you became an Administrator to after becoming one?

"Oh, so that's why you enjoyed watching the previous Administrator meet their end?"

As soon as the woman threw her blatant sarcasm, the voice from beyond the darkness suddenly cut off. The woman knew that the topic she brought up was akin to a taboo for that person.

Of course, that would be the case. Even if that person was a hedonist, they genuinely cared for the previous Administrator. Although the way they cared was indicative of their twisted personality, it wasn't exactly in a good form.

―Let's stop here. What good is it for both of us to be poking at each other's sore spots like it's some death game?

"Finally, a sensible reaction. Thank you."

―Don't mention it, Princess, the Librarian of Earth.

The woman, called [Librarian], with her distinctive rough brown hair, casually pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and responded once more to the owner of the voice.

"Call people by their proper names, you bastard. It's [Prinsepss]."

TLN: Dunno, why not princess..?

* * *

Thus, only shadows remain.

There is neither the sun nor the moon to praise a poem.

Only the shadow.

* * *

On a spring morning around 8:30, as the hints of summer began to be felt, Yoon Juyoung and I met the party members at the promised location we had agreed upon through text messages before heading to conquer the dungeon.

"I'm A-grade Hunter Kim Seong. I specialize in defense and self-healing. Although it's a bit embarrassing, I'm known by the nickname [Fortress]."

"I'm B-grade Hunter Sonya. I have a defensive barrier skill that works within a certain range, and while it's not very strong, I can do a bit of healing."

Among the party members we met, Mr. Kim Seong, an A-grade hunter, reminded me of a bear the first time I saw him.

He was holding a shield as big as his body, which seemed to be enchanted with ice properties because just approaching it made you feel a chill.

I made sure not to stand too close to his shield as I turned my attention to Hunter Sonya.

Ms. Sonya, a B-grade hunter, had a tall and slender figure that seemed fitting for a runway, with a sullen expression on her face, and she was wearing a very stylish rapier at her side.

Ms. Sonya seemed to be of a cheerful nature, constantly smiling even as she introduced herself, causing the alphabet tattoo on her forehead to distort in subtle ways.

After Hunter Kim Seong and Hunter Sonya finished introducing themselves, it was my turn to speak.

"I'm C-grade Hunter Yoon Seohee. I've been given this wonderful opportunity to join you all. I can use holy attribute magic, but it's at a weak level... I think I can slow down poisoning symptoms if necessary."

A-grade Hunter Mr. Kim Seong and B-grade Hunter Ms. Sonya might have their own notable skills, but I had nothing of the sort.

...Well, technically, I do have [Ruler's Garden], but let's not count that skill. I have no intention of increasing the number of people calling me a master.

As soon as I finished my introduction, Yoon Juyoung, who had been receiving everyone's attention, began to speak.

Today, Yoon Juyoung was wearing a shiny black coat that, to any hunter with a bit of knowledge about equipment, would immediately appear to be very expensive.

"I've recently awakened as an S-grade Hunter, Yoon Juyoung. I specialize in dealing damage, debuffs, and stealth. I have no knowledge of defense or healing, so I'll be relying on Hunter Kim Seong and Hunter Sonya for that."

It was an introduction that was both textbook and surprising.

From a layman's perspective, it might seem like a very polite introduction...

The problem was that Yoon Juyoung was an [S-grade] hunter. And people in the hunter industry knew all too well how those of S-grade tend to live in their own world of self-importance.

Naturally, they realized how special and unusual Yoon Juyoung's [normal and polite] introduction was.

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Hunter Kim Seong and Hunter Sonya looked at Yoon Juyoung in surprise, exchanged glances, and then politely responded.

"I'm really looking forward to working with you. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to explore a dungeon with an S-grade hunter."

"I'm also looking forward to it. I was very curious about what kind of person an S-grade hunter who achieved such a dramatic reawakening would be. It's an honor to meet you in person."

It seems Hunter Kim Seong already knew about Yoon Juyoung. Considering the recent update to the list and rankings of S-grade hunters, followed by the flood of reports about [hunter Yoon Juyoung], it was to be expected.

Thanks to that, I had to change my number because the journalists from the hunter news somehow found it and kept calling for interviews...

As I was recalling a journalist who called me directly asking for an interview, the gazes of the two hunters turned towards me.

It seemed they expected me to add a word or two as well. Thinking about it, it would be odd for a C-grade hunter to remain silent while an A-grade and a B-grade hunter were speaking.

[I guess I should just make something up.]

"I'm just a C-grade hunter, so─"

"Since it seems we've finished our discussions, shall we check if everyone is ready and start the dungeon raid immediately?"


What was that blatant interruption?

I blinked, momentarily forgetting what I was saying. It wasn't just me who felt something odd about the situation, Hunter Kim Seong and Hunter Sonya were also looking back and forth between me and hunter Yoon Juyoung with strange expressions.

[He wouldn't interrupt me without a reason.]

It was Yoon Juyoung, after all. Someone who, regardless of my consent, considers me his master wouldn't just cut off my words without a reason.

With a look of curiosity, I glanced at hunter Yoon Juyoung and then turned to follow the others heading towards the dungeon.

[Well... he wouldn't intend to harm me, at least.]

Perhaps what just happened was his way of trying to help me in his own way.

...I just hope he isn't planning anything unnecessary under the guise of helping me. Really.

* * *

"Hey, Hunter Seohee."


While we were all checking our individual preparations and waiting in front of the gate to enter the dungeon, Hunter Sonya approached me.

I stopped adjusting the position of my dagger and met Hunter Sonya's gaze.

"You know... don't take it too hard. S-grade hunters are kind of like that."


It seemed Hunter Sonya was concerned about me being repeatedly interrupted by Yoon Juyoung during our conversation earlier.

Indeed, Juyoung had blatantly ignored me. From the moment of introductions to when we were checking our preparations, he would cut me off as soon as I started to speak...

I responded to Hunter Sonya's concern with the brightest smile I could muster.

"It's okay. I wasn't upset at all."

"That's good to hear, but... Sigh. S-grade hunters are known for their temperament, but I didn't expect him to act so nice and then do that."

It seemed to the other hunters that Yoon Juyoung and I appeared to be interacting in such a manner. I had a rough idea of what Juyoung was aiming for. Probably, he wanted to sever any connection between him and me publicly.

I glanced at Yoon Juyoung, who was at the front of our party, talking to the gate manager.

"But it's rare to find an S-grade hunter who's as kind as him."

"That's true... Honestly, it's well-known that S-grades don't even treat those below their rank as human. Ugh, but still. Look over there. That guy, Hunter Yoon Juyoung, has people fawning over him."

Describing it as [fawning over him] sounded very strange, but she was referring to the bear-like man, Hunter Kim Seong.

Following Hunter Sonya's words, I looked at Hunter Kim Seong, who was standing right next to Hunter Yoon Juyoung, chatting about this and that.

He was gazing at Hunter Yoon Juyoung with eyes full of admiration and joy.

"From a distance, he looks like Chunhyang from the Joseon Dynasty, faithfully waiting for her lover."

"Your expression is quite poetic..."

From the fact that Hunter Sonya could describe the bear-like Hunter Kim Seong as [like Chunhyang], it was clear her sensibility was quite unique.

Hunter Sonya's face twisted as if she was about to burst into laughter, but she soon returned to her usual sullen expression.

"Thanks for the compliment. Anyway, honestly, it's a bit off-putting. Sticking to someone stronger than oneself, flattering them, and then ignoring those who are ignored by that stronger person."

"Hmm, rather than ignoring me, maybe Hunter Kim Seong is just... overjoyed to meet an S-grade hunter who's nice to him, so he's not in his right mind."

"If that's the case, it's still a problem. It shows a lack of consideration. Especially when there are weaker people around."

Hmm, even though we've only had a few exchanges, I felt like I got a sense of what kind of person Hunter Sonya was. Instead of responding, I just smiled lightly and nodded.

Just as Hunter Sonya was about to say something, a voice called out to us from the front.

"The gate is ready! Both of you, come here quickly!"

"Got it!"


Without further delay, I quickly joined the two who were standing in front, along with Hunter Sonya. The gate, now fully prepared, was emitting a bright blue light.

* * *

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Table of Contents

01 A Dreamer and an Aspiring Slave with Common Sense 02 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (1) 03.1 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.2 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.3 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.4 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.5 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2) 03.6 A Dreamer with Common Sense and an Abandoned Gardener (2)

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