The Invincible Holy Spirit is Definitely Not a Newbie

Ch. 00.2


The Invincible Holy Spirit is Definitely Not a Newbie

Chapter 00.2: Preparation

"Mmm... Let's not bring this one, it feels useless."

Shi Liuli examined the long sword in her hand. She had taken it from a god during the War of the Gods. The sword body was made of golden steel, thin but surprisingly heavy. Its blade was sharp, the edge was like autumn frost, and the hilt was adorned with a golden dragon carving, which appeared to be incomparably majestic.

However, for her, this sword had no other characteristics aside from its sharpness. Could she even use it to cut vegetables?

Besides, she didn't know how to cook.

Casually tossing the artifact that could drive people crazy behind her, Shi Liuli picked up a golden suit of armor.

She had borrowed (or rather, "snatched") it from the divine treasury in the realm of gods. Back then, it looked valuable, so she naturally "borrowed" it. But due to the War of the Gods, she never had the chance to return it.

Considering how she would look in this armor, Shi Liuli didn't hesitate to throw it away.

"Hmph~ How could this rough armor suit someone as cute as me? Huh? Wait, with its full golden appearance, it should fetch a good price, right?"

At the thought, Shi Liuli's eyes gleamed green as she picked it up again. Her right eye emitted a golden light, and the golden armor instantly transformed into a streak of light, disappearing from sight.

In Shi Liuli's right eye, countless stars revolved, vast and boundless, carrying infinite mysteries. Amongst these stars, a golden suit of armor suddenly appeared, spinning along with the celestial bodies.

Indeed, those stars were actually Shi Liuli's collection, amassed throughout her entire life. They were countless, patiently awaiting the moment they could be of use, hidden within her right eye.

After tidying up once again, Shi Liuli finally stopped, somewhat satisfied. She looked at the pile of items before her, realizing she had no idea when she would finish organizing them if she continued. So she left her small treasury and went upstairs to get dressed.

Looking at herself in the mirror, wearing a sleeveless white robe with gold trim, Shi Liuli couldn't help but sigh, "Ah, I never expected to end up looking like this."

It may be hard to believe, but a long time ago, Shi Liuli was actually a man, although still as short and with long hair... That's right.


Isn't it the same as before? Yes! Except for a more feminine face and it just lost some of the unique 'features' of men.

Before Shi Liuli became the invincible "Divine Lord," she considered herself an upright man. Due to her appearance resembling that of a woman, people believed she was a girl until her "fall." Only a handful of individuals knew the truth.

TLN: 陨落 -> "Fall." It carries the context of a tragic or untimely demise. It implies a sudden and unfortunate end or downfall, often associated with great loss, failure, or defeat. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Although it's now confirmed that Shi Liuli is a girl... cough cough, back to the main point, why did Shi Liuli become a girl again?

It all started when she took the final step to transcend mortal life. At that time, Shi Liuli had reached the pinnacle of the mortal realm. One more step would have taken her to the realm of the gods. However, she had already grown dissatisfied with the gods and started a conflict with them. How could she then aspire to the realm of the gods?

So she forged her own path, replacing the step that condensed divinity. She used her own eyes as a vessel, with her right eye forming a small world and her left eye becoming a substitute for divinity. Using the countless resources she had gathered, she reshaped her physical body. Everything proceeded smoothly according to plan.

Unexpectedly, during the final stage of reshaping her body, perhaps something went wrong. She suddenly experienced excruciating pain, and eventually passed out. When she woke up, her body had been successfully reshaped, but into its current form...

Sigh, too many words bring tears—nonsense, it's better to say she simply doesn't care. At most, she feels a bit sentimental. Otherwise, how could she tolerate the world mistakenly perpetuating her as a woman for eternity?

Shi Liuli even enjoys it. After all, isn't it a great fortune to be able to admire her own cuteness to her heart's content? In reality, how many pretty young ladies can you stare at endlessly?

Humming a cheerful tune, Shi Liuli walked around the room barefoot. She looked left and right, and in no time, she finished preparing everything needed for the mortal realm.

Standing at the edge of the Heavenly Peak, she gazed at the floating white clouds beneath her feet. Below those clouds lay the mortal realm she yearned for. She could already envision a new life beckoning to her.

"Hehehe, new life, here I come!"

With that, Shi Liuli leaped into the midst of the white clouds—

And so, the story of an invincible Divine Lord traveling in the lower world (making trouble) begins...

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Chapter Comments

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So she turn into a loli hahaha

5 months ago
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I sadly don't know any Chinese so can't give any input from that point of view, but I think the word "fall" fits with the contexts around it.

The gender-swap does feels almost a bit forced, wonder if it is an excuse for the character to act more manly then feminin because the author can't actually write a women, or just to get another tag to pull attention, who knows.

Anyway, thanks for the chapter.

6 months ago
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@DarkpurpleJackdaw I believe it was referring to her gender swapping...

5 months ago
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00.1 Shi Liuli 00.2 Preparation 01 Vol 1 - The Holy Spirit is not a newbie 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 um 36 36 37 37

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