Isekaied into a tower

Ch. 02

Let's eat

Isekaied into a tower

Chapter 02: Let's eat

Tick-tock,Tick tock

Good morning world!

I stretched my stiff body as I awakened from my slumber(ahh my backkk man)

It seems like falling asleep on the floor yesterday was not such a good idea

I looked at the antique grandfather clock which displayed 0700. Right beside it was a board that showed the current date

Day 2


How is that the date?

(How did I not notice such a structure when I first got here? It's so eye catching.)

It was then I noticed something strange.

The hexagon platform I had awoken on yesterday had disappeared and has been replaced with a restaurant and the clock I was looking at right beside it.

Looking behind me, I then noticed a that the water dispenser and cubical has been replaced with a proper toilet with proper walls.

Upon further inspection, the toilet now had a flushing function and toilet paper next to it(hooray to human rights)

As if they have heard my pleas, the room has be reshaped to fit my needs as a civilised human being. Not only that, the fantasy feel of the room has been enhanced.


My stomach rumbled (come to think of it, I haven't eaten ever since I woke up in this place)

'Today's menu is porridge.'

A robotic sounding voice came from the restaurant.

I flinched at the sudden voice. Porridge?

(Is that the food provided that the scroll mentioned?)

I approached the restaurant with anticipation and slight caution.

Opening the door to the restaurant, I saw a counter with a robot standing behind it

'your food will be served shortly, please sit down and wait. Thank you for your patience '

It sounded like an automated response

So i sat down anticipating my food to arrive any second now (i wonder if it will have youtiao to pair with the porridge. Maybe it would just be fish porridge, thats not bad as well. Given that the toilet was changed to fit my needs and wants, there is a high chance that they know my favourite type of porridge)hmmm

'your food is ready. Please enjoy'

I smacked my lips, drool slowly dripped out of my mouth.


Plain porridge..

I looked at the bowl with disappointment.

To think that it would be plain porridge with no seasoning or ingredients what so ever.(Why did i even expect anything)

I rubbed my eyes hoping that what i am seeing is a hallucination.

To no avail nothing changed.

I closed my eyes and looked away

Even my sense of smell was telling me that it was real..

That porridge that you will always smell and eat when you are sick. With the saying that it is healthy for you and will help with your recovery.

That porridge..


I picked up the spoon in reluctance and scooped up the watery porridge. (Its watery)


With only a few dozen grains per spoonful.

It didn't even have the texture of rice anymore. It was mushy with the amount of water in that porridge.

I looked at the robot in front of me with a frown.

And as if to mock me, it repeated the same words he had said earlier

'your food is ready. Please enjoy'


My stomach rumbled, urging me to consume the porridge in front of me.

I guess better than nothing

I picked up the bowl and chugged the porridge like it was water.


Before i could finish even half of the 'porridge' a gut wrenching aftertaste took over my tastebuds.

I forcefully swallowed the rest of the food (food?) and dashed to the toilet to rinse my mouth.


(Gosh. looks can be deceiving...)


Maybe it was poison?

Did i swallow poison?

I mean it smelled like porridge but definitely did not taste even remotely close to it. (I guess you learn a new thing everyday)

I looked at the clock. 8.50

It was almost the said time for the door to the next floor to be opened.(Should i prepare or something?)

I looked at the weapon rack (should i bring a weapon with me?)

Maybe food as well...(Nevermind)

I was glad since i would not need to taste that type of food again, especially on the same day.

The clock struck 0900 and the room trembled.

Andddddd ...

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Nothing happened?

(Hello, where are the special effects. My door to my hopes and dreams opening?)


A scroll shining in blue light appeared infront of me(sigh, here it is)

Hello lost soul

Sorry, but we will have to delay the opening of the door to January 5 0900. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Another disappointment


Does that mean i have to eat that again. That?

I shivered at the thought of it

Now what should i do?

Eat?(I have no appetite now)

Explore floor 0 again? (Maybe there would be more structures that have been added)



I would need to eat something sooner or later. I guess i should head to the restaurant.(There should be a kitchen since it took time for the robot to serve that porridge)


'welcome back, would you like another serving?'

(Would i like another serving? H*ll no. I ain't eating that)

I suddenly had the urge to puch the robot when he said that, but i held back.

Deep breaths ___

Deep bre-


I thought i had a habit saying my name when i did that

What was my name?

If i can remember my real name, should i just use my game username?


That doesn't even sound like a real name..


Nevermind, i will just think of one if i ever need it.


(I need to do something about this first)

I headed to the kitchen

Looking around i discovered that they had food ingredients. (Surprisingly, it looked edible. Who knows, maybe it's another scam)

The only problem is that everything looked like it was just stuffed into the drawer like garbage.(Learn to appreciate food man)

I took some ingredients that i was familiar with. -eggs, potatoes,pepper, light soy sauce, tomatoes and asparagus

Time to cook(i have utmost confidence that anything i make can at least be better than what the robot made.


Preparing the cooking utensils. I put the pan on the stove to pre heat the pan.

I turned the knob on the stove


Nothing happened (isn't this getting too repetitive?)

I then searched for a power switch around. Nothing.


I dragged the robot to the kitchen to let him on the stove.

'preparing porridge'

(Nope) I pushed the robot away as soon as i saw the cooking electronic starting to work. Thus i started cooking.

First. Pour 1 cup of rice into the rice cooker and add about enough water to submerge the rice in water. Peel then slice the potatoes before adding them into the rice cooker

Then wait for some time...

Second. Preheat the pan on the stove.

Immediately after. Rinse the egg in water. Crack and pour it in a small bowl and beat it until yellow.

Third. Dice the tomatoes into equal sizes and add some into the beaten egg along with some pepper.

Fourth. Pour the mixture into the pan and stir fry it.once cooked serve it on a plate

Then scoop out the rice and potato from the rice cooker when cooked into a bowl.

And done. Something that was done by a amature in cooking.

'new recipe unlocked, dish 1 is added to the menu'

A blue light appeared on the wall with the title 'menu'. Right under it was read 'dish 1'


Dish 1? Is the robot referring to what i just cooked?

'you can change the name by specifying the current name, then saying 'modify' followed by the name you want to change it to'


Let me enjoy my food first


I chomped down on the rice and tomato egg like it was the best time i have ever eaten.(Now this is food)

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Table of Contents

01 I got Isekaied 02 Let's eat 03 Weapons 04 Memories 05 Floor 1 06 Mirror 07 Survival

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