Isekaied into a tower

Ch. 07


Isekaied into a tower

Chapter 07: Survival

In the hut, I observed my surroundings.

The walls were composed of bricks with no gaps or the view of the outside. Despite the warm atmosphere. It did not have a fireplace, all that illuminated the room was a sole lantern hanging in the middle of the room, lighting up the pelt carpet on the floor nicely.

The light somehow reminded me of the crystal in floor 0. A mystical feel that could calm anyones nerves. Truly fascinating…

In the harsh cold, only this sole hut withstood its rampage. The more i thought about it, the more strange it was.

A hut with powers capable of healing someone in a near death state and an interior that was unaffected by its surrounding…similar to a safe zone.

I smirked

(I've struck gold)

Wait, wait, wait(have i not learnt from my lesson?)

I covered my mouth as if trying to hide my mistakes from someone.

Stay calm, i have to be cautious, one mistake can lead to disastrous consequences

(I owe this hut my life, and i shall not waste the opportunity it has granted me)


The light in the lantern flickered, diming the side i was standing on for a moment.


The moment the room darkened, the atmosphere around me changed into that of the scent of death. I sensed the claws of the death creep towards me.

Wheeze wheeze*

My throat narrowed constricting my breathing even more so than when i was outside in the blizzard

(I need to run.)

It was as if the darkness had captured me, preventing me from running away. Perhaps it was because i have had a near death experience that i am able to sense my impending doom. Or perhaps it was death’s way to tell me that i should not have lived, trying to correct their mistakes by finishing me off here and now.

You have got to be kidding me..

God d*mmittttttt

I took a step forward releasing me from the shadows into the light


Was it pity?

Was i spared because of pity or sheer luck?

No, i felt it… something smiling at me. I could tell, it wasn't because of pity, neither was it out of kindness. It was a disgusting smile directed at me, judging my actions. This bastard spared me out of enjoyment, for his own entertainment.

I was furious and wanted to do something. Yet, just like not long ago, i was powerless whether it was to mother nature of supernatural occurrences.


Huff, wheeze wheeze*

The feeling of oppression dispersed, leaving no trace.

Light returned to the room, with the lantern looking a litter dimmer than previously. Did ‘it’ do something to the lantern.

Exhausted from the supernatural encounter, i took a breather for a moment

I got up approaching the lantern

On closer inspection, i noticed a crystal that was similar to the one in floor 0

(So they were connected in a way)

It was indeed dimmer than just now.

What's differe..nt


I realised, my exhaustion was not relieved of immediately.

(Could it be that the healing powers in the hut is diminishing?)

I began contemplating

(The source was from the lantern?)

(Does this mean that theres a limit to how long this hut can protect me from the cold?)

Once again i was reminded that it wasn't over until you solve the root problem.

The same choice huh.

Whether to wait here untill the maintenance was completed, praying that luck is on my side and i survive untill then or to venture out to survive on my own with no guarantee of success.

One that relies on luck and anothers decision and the other relying on luck as well, but i have a wider range of choices to choose from.


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Even if there is still healing powers, i guess it can satisfy a hungry stomach

I should sort out my worries first

Alright. Necessities…

Shelter:check (for now, the hut is still safe)

Water:cross (i can make do with the snow outside)

Food:cross (...)

Anything else?


Clothing:cross (the carpet can be used for clothing)

Comfort: …livable?

As for the others, they are not the priority

Goal:find a more habitable place before the healing powers diminishes completely

I can probably stay outside for 2min max


I pushed open the door

In my mind, i took note of the time by forming a metal image of a stopwatch, counting down from 1.00

Ready set go!

I rushed out of the door. Taking the t-shirt off my face, i scooped the top layer of the snow with my t shirt as the blizzard blinded me. I forced my eyes open, scouting my surroundings in search for any signs of life. My efforts was for naught, my sight was clouded by the white abyss before me.

Without wasting a second, i dashed back to safety and closed the door.

Letting the collected snow thaw.

My hands were numb

It seemed that the powers of the hut was diminishing as i had thought. Its not a good sign.

I took the water soaked t shirt laced with ice crystals on the outside and stuffed it into my mouth.

The crystal like water trickled down my throat as i found myself suffocating at the same time. It somehow tasted worse than the water that was in the cave.

(I mean, there was no taste. Or is it because of how cold it is?)

If it wasn't for my heart beating like a broken car engine, i wouldn't have been that desperate for water


(Should i not have ran?)

No,that's not the point. How is it that that miraculous healing powers was reduced so much, such that even regulating my breathing proves to be difficult.

Not that i know much about this power, but its obvious to me that its power has declined to that of a mere heater.

Now, im not saying that it is useless, without this power protecting me, i would be dead within minutes. However, i really need to hurry. At this rate i will die yet again.

Yet another internal argument ensured in my mind. it seems that i might have lost my sanity at this point, trying to prove myself to… myself?.

Am i just going in circles?

I should sleep

After such an eventful day, i was exhausted.

Knowing it will be the las

t time i will be able to sleep comfortably, i wrapped myself with the carpet, combined with the warm atmosphere of the room, i dosed off into sleep.




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Table of Contents

01 I got Isekaied 02 Let's eat 03 Weapons 04 Memories 05 Floor 1 06 Mirror 07 Survival

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