Isekaied into a tower

Ch. 04


Isekaied into a tower

Chapter 04: Memories

“Hey, have you heard of the recent increase of traffic incidents”

“Yeah, i heard it was because they were drunk. The government is planning make the Dadss stricter”

Dadss-Driver Alcohol Detection System.

I eavesdropped on my classmates conversation.(Cant people just not drink and drive, why do they even do that)

“Come on, thats not the main issue these days. Haven't you heard people going missing recently, one of them is from our school.”

“That quiet guy from the class next door? He's probably just committing truancy again”

“But dont you think its strange that the cases all had mar–”


“Class dismissed”

My classmates behind me stood up in unison and went to the teacher to ask questions as if they had been listening to the class attentively.

(I guess thats how you maintain your grades and relationships at the same time. Advantages of sitting at the back of the class?)


Crack crack crack. I stretched my back which had been hunched over for over 3 hours.

I got up from my seat and headed back home.

I'm home!

I opened the door and settled down on my sofa, intending to lounge for the next few hours until my parents came home

I opened youtube and searched for a show to binge watch

-skip in 30 seconds

(Great, an ad)

“New delux chicken tenders is out now! Spicy! Crunchy! Savary! Its hand licking good”


My stomach rumbled, urging me to eat my lunch.


(5 more minutes!)

I complained to my own body as if i was actually able to convince it to stop my primal instincts



The door flew open


(Lets get this over with)

I grabbed my valuables and headed for the nearest KFC.


(If i was any closer, would my ears bleed?)

I stood at the traffic light waiting for the light to turn green.

Fun fact, the construction site is in the middle of the road. Apparently they are building a new MRT line.

(How and when do they transport the materials to build it to the construction site though)

I thought to myself how safety was conducted given the fact that there was a traffic light and roads next to it. Although there were fences surrounding the whole place and traffic cones placed to stop people from coming too close, is it truly safe?


A figure appeared in the corner of my eyes. I jumped backwards in hopes of avoiding the incoming object.


Direct contact!

(Gotta say, i definitely hit the jackpot)


I got flung a few meters away before rolling on the ground and giving out a muffled scream.

Passing out for a second or two, i was shocked awake by the sharp pain on the right side of my body

(Broken! Its broken!)

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This time, it definitely wasn't a joke, my arms and legs was definitely broken.

(Is that my bone!?)

A white object covered in blood was sticking out of my leg

Within moments i started feeling dizzy and light headed


I blacked out.



I woke up from the water dripping on my head

My body cramped

Clearly a side effect of that sword dance i was doing yesterday

I looked around

It was a cave with drip stone on the ceiling that looked menacing, pointing at me like it was going to drop and pierce me


Another water droplet landed on my head(Chinese water torture?)

Where in the world am i

Beside me was a shining blue scroll that i wasn't very keen on seeing.(Great)

I opened the scroll

“Sorry for the inconvenience lost soul. Due to certain circumstances we have sent you to floor 1 early. Normally, you would be able to return to floor 0 once per day by opening the scroll and saying return, but its under maintenance so good luck”

Good luck?

Good luck my ass

You expect me to take responsibility for your mistakes?

(And i cant even do anything about it)

Reading this message reminded me of the times games had bugs and shut down the game and added a mini game loading screen for the players while they fix it

Now what?

When can I even expect the maintenance to be finished?

(Would it be the same as last time?)

More importantly.

Will I even be able to survive until then?

My clothes were wet and there's no food in sight


I cursed at the situation i was in and at whoever that sent me here.

(No use crying over spoilt milk. Lets do something about this)


I stretched my body, starting by pulling my hands behind my back. Then twisting my waist while placing my hands on my hips and finally reaching out for my toes with my hands.

(Wow, thats refreshing)

Ah chu!

(Cold as well)

I took off my shirt and twisted it in an attempt to dry it.

My forearm seemed to lose strength and shiver when i did so, sending stinging sensations all over my arm

(I'll just let it air dry…)

(Who needs clothes anyway in this kind of sheltered environment)

Contemplating, i soaked my shirt with as much water as i could and brought it to my mouth

(Well… its better than nothing)

The water trickled down my dry throat quenching me of my thirst

It tasted like the kind of water that was boiled many times over in a kettle which had gone stale

Feeling hydrated, i decided to set off towards the only path before me


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Table of Contents

01 I got Isekaied 02 Let's eat 03 Weapons 04 Memories 05 Floor 1 06 Mirror 07 Survival

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