Isekaied into a tower

Ch. 03


Isekaied into a tower

Chapter 03: Weapons

In mediaeval times

Cold weapons were used in combat.Mainly consisting of a blade, point or a blunt surface like a sword, spear or a mace

Forged in a furnace and hammered hundreds of times to achieve its durability.

Some also came in different parts like a bow or sligshots


Sky splitting slash!

I slashed the sword in a downward motion. In doing this my back went down with it making me almost losing my balance.

The sword smashed into the ground


The sword I was holding fell on the ground.

Huff. Why is it so heavyyy. I complained whiningly at the difficulty of even wielding a blade for a short time.(It seems like my physic and strength didn't change much after coming here.)

It was the afternoon,day 2 of arriving in floor 0. After eating, i have decided to familiarise myself with the weapons provided to find something suitable.(You never know if it will come in handy someday)

Since there were strange engravings in some structures and weapons provided in floor 0. My fantasy sensor has detected that there is a high chance it is swords and magic. It should be safe to assume that I would need to learn self defence if I want to survive.

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be any ranged weapons like the crossbow or a gun, that would have been the safer option in my opinion.

I mean, what could i really do?

I didn't have any prior training or a education regarding how to wield a sword.

Heck, all i was doing was probably just strength training, attempting to swing a sword when i couldn't even lift it properly

Thank goodness that the floor had a self healing feature. If not for that, the surrounding area would have been littered with cracked tiles.

Should i just do basic exercises instead? they do say slow and steady wins the race

(100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and a 10 kilometre run! Everyday until your hair falls off.)

A familiar voice and words resounded in my head when I thought of training. I brushed it off with a crooked smile



I collapsed on the floor after doing 13-ish pushups with an okay-ish form


I flipped over on my back, tucked back my knees and started doing sit ups.

1!..2!..3!.....43…forty-fourrr anddd for-tyy-fivee.


My breath was pushed out forcefully when i fell flat on my back.

(Now, its time for squats)


I found myself unable to get up off the floor…

Huff…gosh my strength is trash… so is my stamina.

I recalled myself doing the NAPFA a year ago and only getting a bronze.(Although i blame it on the 2.4 run and standing broad jump)

-The National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA) is a standard physical fitness test for Singaporeans as part of Singapore's Sports For Life programme.

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Why did they even make that compulsory. I my opinion. the passing mark to be 206cm for standing broad jump as the standard for a 16 years old boy is a bit too high.

It was also during that time where i had to do pull ups. (It was much harder than a pushup.

I wonder how my family has been.

Did they mourn for me…

Did that truck driver go to jail for killing me?


There's also a possibility that this is a dream (it's too realistic though)

Imagine if my soul wasn't the only thing that was transported here, maybe my body as well? I mean, it feels exactly the same as when i was alive and my body is also as fit as it was before(could have been better if they improved it)

I'm surprised this was not the first thing i thought about when i woke up.

I mean, i was so focused and excited on the fact that i had been Isekaied, that i have been making the most out of my time, exploring and discovering new things despite being confined in a room.

When can i got out though, if the door opens on the fifth day like the scroll said it would, then that would be the first time it did something properly.

If they didn't…. It wouldn't be that bad.

I stayed quarantined in my home for 2 months during covid-19, this is nothing.

Although i would probably get bored since i don't have my electronics with me.

Maybe a book?

Thus I started my exploration of floor 0 again.

Walking around, I found a room that looked like a study area. There were empty book shelves on the side of the room and a desk at the back of the room.

In the drawer of the desk contained a blank book and a pen.

Nothing to read huh

Maybe I'll make a diary. I can kill time like that

Closing the book I decided to explore floor 0 a bit more before writing something.

(I have been curious about the crystal ever since i saw it, let's go there next)

I started investigating the strange structures.starting with the crystal which i had first seen.

Vaulting over the base of the structure surrounding the crystal, I felt the air around me change.


My body lightly landed on the ground, it felt as if the gravity in this area had decreased.(Is this what low gravity feels like?)

Around me floated many tiny sparkling specks of light which had appeared out of nowhere, even the area around me seemed to be bigger than I thought I had seen when I was looking at the crystal from outside.

I reached out for the tiny specks of light


The specks of light gathered and formed a hologram. It held a sword and started swinging it like a sword dance.

Captivated by the dance, a yellow sword manifested in my hands. It fit my hand perfectly as if it was made for me, it wasn't heavy enough to make me lose balance nor was it too light for me to think it was easy to swing.

In a trance, i followed the movements of the figure beside me.

Repeating the moves time and time again, i had finally completed the moves.

Regaining my consciousness, I started hyperventilating.

The world spun and my head felt hot as if it was overheating. Overwhelmed by the dizziness, i vomited and fainted

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Table of Contents

01 I got Isekaied 02 Let's eat 03 Weapons 04 Memories 05 Floor 1 06 Mirror 07 Survival

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