I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 02

The Knight is Here (1)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 02: The Knight is Here (1)

Chapter 2 - The Knight is Here (1)


Bluntly put, Han Taemin was from another world entirely. Not this world, but a different one entirely. He was a human who had lived in a completely different dimension, immersed in a culture that was worlds apart from this one.

But now, such thoughts felt like pointless musings, as insignificant as a mote of dust.

At first, he wasn't simply surprised. He had undoubtedly died, and now he had taken over the body of a newborn infant.

And in a completely different world, no less.

He knew that things wouldn't always go his way, but this was the first time they had strayed so far from his expectations.

Han Taemin was well aware that magicians who sought immortality and eternity researched such forbidden spells. So, he definitely hadn't wished for this outcome.

But what had happened, happened. Whether he wanted it or not, the world moved on. Initially, everything was novel.

Gazing at the towering buildings and orderly streets, the realization truly sank in that he was in a different world.

The marvels of this world's technology were beyond anything he had witnessed, even in his previous life. It was a constant cycle of astonishment and admiration.

But even the most fascinating things lose their luster after a day or two.

Despite being reborn into a new world, Han Taemin struggled to find his place. His ingrained instincts clashed with the knowledge his mind had acquired.

It was the same when he came of age and left the orphanage.

The world was brutally indifferent to a human with no remarkable abilities to speak of. Memories from his past life were utterly useless in the face of reality. It was as if the world itself was rejecting him.

With reluctance, he turned his gaze to the world of hunters. If there was a place experiencing unprecedented prosperity, he could easily make money there, even if it was just a meager amount.

Becoming a hunter was impossible since he hadn't awakened, but he could still get close enough.

And so, Han Taemin became a scavenger, the jack-of-all-trades for hunters.


The Will Guild was small but steadily expanding its influence through solid organization. Of course, it would soon reach its limits, but even so, it was widely acknowledged that it could hold its own.

The mere fact that they hired scavengers was evidence of the guild's modest status. As one climbed the ranks, they could handle tasks equivalent to those of a scavenger without needing assistance, using tools or techniques befitting their position.

"Hey, can't you work any faster? Does it make sense for the post-hunt processing to be slower than the hunt itself? Don't you want to get paid today?"

As Shin Gillim, the captain of the Will Guild's first attack squad, impatiently berated them, the scavengers bowed their heads and moved their arms even more swiftly. Watching from a secluded spot, Han Taemin shook his head.

It was truly a world devoid of dreams or hope.

Even if strength was bestowed upon a diligent and gentle person, it would always fall short. In the end, the gods favored those who were consumed by their own desires, leading to adverse effects on humanity's progress.

"Well, I'm not that different either."

Skillfully wielding his dagger, Han Taemin extracted a material cube from the monster's skull.

Befitting the small guild, the level of the monsters they hunted was also low.

Due to the nature of material cubes, which increased in rarity along with the dungeon's difficulty, obtaining high-quality items in such places was nearly impossible.

After confirming that Shin Gillim had looked away, Han Taemin tucked the material cube he had just extracted into his embrace.

His movements were swift and efficient, having done this countless times before.

Obtaining by-products without permission was tantamount to taboo, but if he was afraid of that, he wouldn't have started in the first place.

In short, courage was key.

He wasn't diligent enough to meticulously check the quantity. Used to having others handle the payouts, he could slip a little extra for himself without anyone noticing.

'If I don't do this, it's unfair, isn't it?'

In matters of life and death, there was no distinction between good and evil. Perhaps that explained why hunters slaughtered monsters without questioning their origins.

Leaving no room for conversation or negotiation.

"Well, talking to monsters is quite a ridiculous idea."

Granted, in this world, communicating with other species was not an impossible task. The gods had broken down the barriers of language to ensure that all races could communicate without misunderstanding.

So, imagine his surprise when he learned that each nation used a different language.

Han Taemin, who had been alleviating the tedium of his work with bitter thoughts, finished his tasks and stepped out of the dungeon. Shin Gillim once again raged furiously in the process, but he paid no heed. It happened every time.

He had to assert his dominance over the scavengers to validate his own existence.

"Now, is it time to deal with the material cubes?"

He fiddled with the gems in his pocket.

Han Taemin didn't consider himself a pioneer. Humans were creatures who would even eat their own arm to survive when backed into a corner.

He wasn't the first to obtain material cubes in this manner. There were always those who had walked this path before him.

The senior scavengers. It was their guidance that led him to this place.

Jewelry store.

The owner, Kim Ildong, was a broker with a small but sturdy network. Despite the hefty 45% commission, there was no other place that welcomed scavengers with open arms.

"I'm here, old man."

"I'm not deaf, you brat."

Without even turning around to acknowledge Han Taemin's arrival, Kim Ildong moved deeper into the room. This was where transactions for material cubes took place, shielded from prying eyes.

Holding the material cube, Kim Ildong murmured softly.

"I shouldn't have to say this, but be discreet. You know what happens if you get caught, right? If you're not desperate, back out now. When jokes turn serious, and seriousness becomes a habit, that's when you die. Do you think hunters will sympathize with your situation?"

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"Ah, yes. I get it, so just appraise it, please."

For Han Taemin, this world felt foreign. Everything was systematized and institutionalized, confined within boundaries.

It was either this or that. If not that, then this.

Unlike his past life, where one could somehow get by living as they pleased, it was different here.

It would have been better if there were more physical jobs available. But even that was not feasible. As automation expanded into areas once dominated by manual labor, those who had relied on repetitive tasks also found themselves jobless and on the streets.

In his past life, his body had been wholly devoted to wielding a sword.

He had the aptitude and the interest, never even considering other paths. To Han Taemin, who was a fighter to the core, the highly civilized society was nothing but shackles.

In a world where baring one's fangs and clenching one's teeth were considered virtues, such beasts were shunned.

If the profession of a hunter hadn't emerged, he might have become a deviant, just as he could have been in the past.

As he reached out to the stove, melting his entire body, he heard scratching sounds beside him.

"You unruly brat. Everything I say is for your own good. Why do you think there are no scavengers like you around? It's because things don't end well for them, just as I said. You think I haven't seen plenty of guys like you?"

'That was then,' he muttered under his breath.

"Old man, you never get tired of saying such things, do you? Take it easy. My ears itch every time I come here."

"You remind me of my own son, you damn brat."

A family photograph sat on the desk.

Next to Kim Ildong was a man with a smile on his face. He had a sturdy build and a strong jawline, reminiscent of a stone guardian deity. His appearance was the complete opposite of the ordinary-looking Han Taemin, with his slender frame and unremarkable features.

No matter how he examined it, he couldn't find a single shared feature, so the old man's words couldn't possibly be flattery.

"We're completely different. Old man, don't you think it's time to get new glasses?"

"Watch your mouth."

The instant their exchange concluded, the material measuring device displayed the results. 300M/K. An ordinary figure, as usual.

"Well, three will do, right?"

"Can't you give me one more?"

"You're no different from a robber, even without a knife. I don't want to hear it, so get out! I'm busy."

"Even though there are no other customers..."

With 300,000 won in his hand, Han Taemin stepped out, his legs trembling. The sun was already setting. He wrapped his scarf tightly around his neck as the weather grew colder.

Even amidst the numerous people passing by, Han Taemin exuded an alien atmosphere. It was his own distinct aura that he hadn't lost, even after being reborn.

It had been 21 years since he had inexplicably fallen into another world, like Gulliver. He had grown attached to nowhere. He had always found himself in the position of an outsider.

If only he didn't have memories of his past life, he might have lived contentedly in this reality. Such thoughts wouldn't leave his mind.

Even watching the newly released variety shows didn't make him laugh, and seeing idols on the street didn't excite him.

Perhaps it was because the atmosphere in the dungeons was similar to the era he had lived in during his past life, though he hadn't realized it.

Suddenly, something hit his foot.

"Mister, can you kick the ball over here?"

Only then did Han Taemin notice that a ball had hit his foot. He waved his hand and kicked the ball high towards the child.

The ball, following a gentle arc, spun around in front of the child, then bounced up like a rubber ball and landed neatly in the child's hand.



"Mister, are you a player?"

The exclamations didn't cease.

Though he could have honestly felt pleased, sadly, what welled up in his heart was a bitter smile.

It was merely a slight variation of the techniques he had used in his past life. There was no ill intent in reproducing only the form without the essence. If one knew the trick, even a monkey could imitate it.

As Han Taemin walked away from the enthusiastic children, he stopped in front of an overwhelming light.

[Hunters, their lives are like beacons for humanity...]

On the billboard was a video advertisement for hunters. It seemed to show a handsome man and a beautiful woman hunting monsters. The shoot appeared to have an exaggerated concept, but it was still dazzling.


"It's tacky."

It had become so unpleasant to watch.

Did it make sense to possess such power and use it in such a way? Even ants or sloths could do better if given the chance.

But contrary to Han Taemin's sentiments, the number of people captivated by the screen only grew as time passed. Hunters, akin to superhumans, were the object of admiration in this world.

Million-dollar salaries.

Lovers of the masses.

A life shining brightly.

Pioneers fighting against the unknown.

As he moved away from the billboard, he let out a sigh.

The era of knights had ended.

Without a doubt, it was now the era of hunters.

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Chapter Comments

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Hm I’m guessing in his world, certain languages were impossible to learn due to mana and genetic restraints?

4 weeks ago
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@Apops It's possible, although I haven't read that far into the novel to see if that's the case or not or just the authors whims. I mostly picked this novel up since I enjoyed the manga adaptation of it.

4 weeks ago
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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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