I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 09

Just... (②)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 09: Just... (②)

Chapter 9 - Just... (2)

If the sword had lost its durability through the chaotic battle, it was definitely a target.

The sword that had touched the ground shot up like a rocket from below to above. Though imperfect, it momentarily surpassed Shin Gillim's abilities.

It was a sword strike born from the knight's level, unrelated to mana. The power, executed without any waste, left a clear trajectory in the air.


Crack. The broken sword flew leisurely over his head.

"That's why I said it's crude. Do you feel better using such strength in such a pathetic way?"

Finally, the time had come to settle the dragging fight. As Han Taemin swung his arm, one of Shin Gillim's legs flew into the air. Losing his balance, Shin Gillim fell backward helplessly.

Shin Gillim, unable to comprehend what had happened, looked down with a blank expression. All he could see was his thigh, gushing blood like a waterfall. There was nothing below it.

"You think you can get away with this? You're killing a hunter, no, a human!"

"What are you talking about?"

The response came out indifferently.

If he wanted to say such things, he should have said them before killing the scavengers. It was too late now to talk about humanity and morals.

"From the moment you killed Seokdae, there's no need for any words between us, right?"

Everything was determined by the law of the jungle in his previous life. It was either take or be taken. Everyone fought desperately to survive.

Han Taemin was the same.

For salvation,

For revenge,

For selfish desires,

For a greater cause,

He wielded his sword.

For someone who had overcome countless experiences, worrying was a useless process. If he wanted to do something, he did it. That was all there was to it.

Obviously, there was never any hesitation at the tip of his sword.

As Han Taemin strode forward, Shin Gillim shook his head frantically, mumbling incoherently.

"This can't be. I can't lose to a scavenger. To a loser without abilities..."


He swung his sword roughly, like swinging a baseball bat. With a loud crack, a head detached from its owner and rolled across the floor.

Han Taemin frowned at the sight of the tongue sticking out. It was as if it resembled its owner, disgusting to the end.


As his heightened emotions subsided, the wounds he had forgotten began to scream one by one.

Han Taemin, now sitting down, looked around. There was no sound. They must have been annihilated. Still, he had no regrets since he had killed the one he wanted dead.

At that moment, a light appeared before his eyes.

[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]

"I've... awakened?"

He couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He had always wanted to become a hunter, but he never thought he would awaken in this way.

"So, this is how it's done. Status window."

Sure enough, a hologram appeared in response to his call. Knowing the basic information, he glanced at the status window without hesitation.

▼ Status Window

Level: 6

Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Mana: 0

Endurance: 10

Resistance: 10

Bonus Points: 25

Condition: Good

Unique Title: None

As Han Taemin scanned the hologram floating in the air, something unusual caught his eye.

▼ Ability List

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▶ Executioner (E―)

Seeing the intriguing ability, he carefully selected the "Executioner" item, and the information quickly updated.

▼ Executioner

Power: E―

Description: Executing Heretics

Ability: Absorbing the karma of heretics and turning it into power.

Despite the vague description, the word 'heretic' was disturbing. The only person he had executed was Shin Gillim, which meant that Shin Gillim was deemed a heretic.

'What does this mean?'

As he pondered, a familiar, eerie sound echoed. It was a mournful noise, like nails on a chalkboard, coming from the creature that had annihilated the assault team.

Drawn by the sound of battle, Raymara, the master of the labyrinth, appeared before Han Taemin, scattering ominous feathers.


The bird of calamity flapped its wings and quietly looked down at Han Taemin. Facing the master of a dungeon consumed a significant amount of mental strength. Under normal circumstances, he would have fled the moment Raymara appeared.

But now, things were different.

For some unknown reason, he had become a hunter.

"Invest 1 point in Mana."

[ Mana: 0 ]

[ Mana: 1↑ NEW ]

A single drop of water was enough to penetrate stone. Feeling the mana surging within him, Han Taemin reversed his grip on his sword. He quickly stamped his foot, pulling his arm back.

At the peak of his motion, he bent forward and extended his arm. The sword flew from his hand like a bullet, piercing through Raymara. It continued with enough force to embed itself in the opposite wall, with only the handle visible.

Mana was wielded without any waste. Yes, this was mana's true nature.


While Raymara was startled by the sudden attack, Han Taemin moved forward, stepping through the air as if walking on stairs. He sliced through the joint between Raymara's wing and body.

As Raymara staggered, losing its balance, Han Taemin spun and struck with his sword. There was no mercy in the knight's movements.

It all happened too quickly for any defense. Raymara crashed to the ground, the life vanishing from its eyes. Han Taemin extracted the material cube embedded in its forehead. He packed up his gear and smiled bitterly.

"Coming all this way wouldn't have been worth it without this. Isn't that right, Seokdae?"

Han Taemin had conquered Raymara's labyrinth, carrying Cha Seokdae. All that was left was to make his way out.

The reckless attack, the bloody duel with Shin Gillim, and the hunt for Raymara had pushed Han Taemin's body to its limits. His body creaked and groaned, making strange noises, but he kept pushing forward. If he died here, it would all be for nothing.

Who knows how much time passed? It seemed like there was light in the distance, accompanied by the sound of commotion. The rescue team from the association had arrived.

The tension lifted instantly.

Thud. Han Taemin collapsed to the ground, clutching Cha Seokdae's body tightly.

* * *

Regaining consciousness was sudden. As soon as he opened his eyes, Han Taemin looked around. Pastel-toned walls and the unfamiliar smell of chemicals made him realize he was in a hospital. He sighed, relieved that he had made it out of Raymara's labyrinth safely.

"Oh, you're finally awake."

He turned to the unfamiliar voice and saw a man sipping coffee. The man's immaculate suit and composed demeanor exuded bureaucratic formality.

"No need to be so surprised. This is who I am."

As expected, the man nonchalantly handed over a business card.

[Yuhan, Team Leader of Accident Aftermath Management Team 2]

Just from that, Han Taemin could guess what Yuhan wanted to discuss. But not wanting to pressure a patient into responding quickly, Yuhan naturally broached the topic.

"I see. Before we get into that, let me tell you what happened to you, Taemin. The 1st Assault Unit of the Will Guild was completely wiped out. You are the sole survivor."

"Is that so?"

"Frankly, I'm impressed."

Han Taemin tilted his head at the unexpected praise, and Yuhan chuckled, waving his hand dismissively.

"Carrying your fallen comrade through that long labyrinth—in times like these, it's a rare and admirable story, don't you think?"

Yuhan's words were sincere.

As soon as Han Taemin and Cha Seokdae were found, the rescue team was dispatched. But by the time they arrived, it was already too late. The hunters, as well as the scavengers, were so brutally damaged by the monsters that it was hard to recognize them.

Only Cha Seokdae, whom Han Taemin had brought back, was intact enough to tell the tale of his final moments.

"You should be proud."

"It's okay. It's not exactly something to be proud of."

Han Taemin's face naturally darkened. Even though he had severed Shin Gillim's neck as if harvesting a crop, he wasn't ignorant of the weight a life carried. Moreover, he owed his life to Cha Seokdae.

"I understand."

Nodding as if he understood Han Taemin's feelings, Yuhan immediately moved on to the next topic.

"The Raymara's Labyrinth that you challenged has now been reclassified as B-rank."

"What does that mean?"

"It means exactly that. The dungeon's rank has been promoted by one level."

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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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