I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 07

Raymara's Labyrinth (③)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 07: Raymara's Labyrinth (③)

Chapter 7 - Raymara's Labyrinth (3)

The self-discipline Han Taemin had cultivated in his previous life remained steadfast and unyielding. If it could be so easily erased after his rebirth, he would have perished countless times in those bygone days.

Confirming his mental defenses were intact, Han Taemin noticed Cha Seokdae picking up the hunters' equipment. While it was undoubtedly profitable, it was not an advisable action amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

He hurriedly pulled Cha Seokdae's arm. Under normal circumstances, he might have ignored others, but Cha Seokdae was the first person in this world to show him genuine kindness.

"Seokdae, let's get out of here together."


"There's no time to explain. You'll understand once we're out of here anyway."

Cha Seokdae, seemingly influenced by the black feathers, was unable to think rationally. Clutching his sword and backpack, he wandered aimlessly. In this moment, Cha Seokdae was no different from an animal driven purely by instinct.

Han Taemin ran through the tunnels, not letting go of his hand.

He quickly fumbled with his smartphone.

Raymara's labyrinth, true to its name, had a non-linear structure. There were side paths that could lead to dead ends if not known in advance.

However, in a world where even monster patterns were disclosed, mastering a labyrinth was no challenge.

Firstly, he had to find a space free of monsters. Since Raymara lacked direct physical power, a secure space to wait out the chaos was essential.

Using pre-stored images, Han Taemin meticulously scanned the interior and suddenly stopped. It wasn't because he wanted to stop.

The problem was his companion. Cha Seokdae waved his hand as if possessed.

"We have to go."

As if his feet were nailed to the ground, he wouldn't budge and insisted.

"Where are you going in this situation?"

"Those things are all worth money, aren't they?"


"M-Money, I mean. Look at this."

Unexpectedly, Cha Seokdae shoved a sword in front of him.

"The sword Bae Seongdae dropped when he died is worth two billion won. But over there, there are even better ones lying around. Their owners are dead, so they're ours if we just pick them up."

He's talking about money in a life-or-death situation? Han Taemin felt a throbbing headache.

But he couldn't blame him. Cha Seokdae had been affected by Raymara's mental attack. Han Taemin wanted to give him first aid, but treating internal injuries was not his area of expertise. A specialist's intervention was needed.

He slapped Cha Seokdae's cheeks and waved his hand.

"Seokdae, snap out of it. You can't let your mind be taken over."

"But without money, who will take care of that child? That child needs care."

This time, it was Han Taemin who stopped.

"What child?"

"I have a younger sister."

He had never heard that before.

"I need to save her. But I'm so tired. That's why I need money. I want to be happy."

His speech was incoherent. But one thing was clear.

"My sister is sick. My dear sister. I want to protect her."

"That's your driving force, isn't it, Seokdae?"

He was never meant to be a scavenger. He had the grace of someone who grew up in a good family and received a high-quality education.

But for some reason, his desire to earn money was unusually intense.

'I thought it was strange.'

The truth behind the contradiction was revealed. If he had been acting for his sister's sake, all the circumstances made sense.

Even in a state driven purely by instinct, if he talked like this, it was evident how much he loved his sister under normal circumstances.

But that was a separate matter. He needed to survive to see his sister.

'Yes, that confidence is important. So if there's danger, don't panic, just run straight to me.'

"Let's go. I'll make sure you get out of here."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"I'll hear all about it once we're out of here."

They still had a long way to go to escape Raymara's labyrinth. Unless the association sent a rescue team, they would have to get out on their own. Facing monsters head-on was impossible, but evading them was an option.


"Where do you think you're going?"

Their enemies weren't just monsters.

Swoosh. It happened before Han Taemin even realized it. A sword suddenly appeared in front of him, gleaming dangerously. It all happened in an instant. His eyes recognized it, but his body couldn't react in time.

'Too late.'

Before Han Taemin could respond, someone else jumped in. With a sickening squelch, hot liquid splashed onto his face.


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"It's dangerous."


Only then did Han Taemin realize that it was Cha Seokdae who had been cut by the sword instead of him. He had made this choice despite being affected by the black feathers.

"W-Wait. Seokdae? Seokdae!"

"I'm glad, Taemin."

The strength faded from Cha Seokdae's hand as he stroked Han Taemin's cheek. His hand slowly fell, never to rise again. His breath stopped, never to return.

Han Taemin's heart wrenched as he witnessed his friend's life slip away. The pain of loss mixed with a growing rage towards the one responsible.


The assault had failed.

Raymara's labyrinth had swallowed all the hunters. Everything had gone unexpectedly wrong. Gollas, whom they thought they could easily defeat, fought beyond its limits, and Raymara, its master, displayed unimaginable prowess.

"Woo Minjun and those damn bastards messed up the rear guard, didn't they?"

The ability to heal others was rare and precious, which was why healers were so highly regarded. If it hadn't been for the scavengers wrecking the rear guard, they might have managed to break through.

Seeing the hunters torn apart by the scavengers, Shin Gillim felt something snap in his mind. From the start, there had been no way to rid themselves of these filthy pests. Touched by the black feathers, Shin Gillim decided to follow his heart's desires.

And so, he slashed, cut, and kept on cutting.

He eliminated the trash that was not only a hindrance but also useless in the hunt.

"Damn bugs. They just kept causing trouble till the end."

After a lengthy tirade, Shin Gillim turned his head. He growled slowly as he looked at Han Taemin, who was still clutching Cha Seokdae. It was as if he was annoyed by the mere waste of time.

"Hey, is the melodrama over yet?"

Hearing this, Han Taemin looked up at Shin Gillim, not even bothering to wipe away the dried blood.

"What's with that look? I never liked you from the start. Why do you look at me like you're something special? You should just do as you're told and obey. Why do you look at me with those eyes?"

A cold fury settled in Han Taemin's chest. The fangs he had hidden away to survive in this world began to emerge. Suppressing his explosive emotions, Han Taemin quietly spoke.

"Why did you kill Seokdae?"

"I just killed a bug. You scavengers are all the same, crawling around without knowing your place. You should just bow your heads and let real hunters step over you."

Shin Gillim grinned nastily, pointing a sword at Han Taemin's nose.

"You're the last one. Ha, just thinking about it makes me feel much lighter. It's almost laughable that I hadn't done this sooner. Come on, give me your life."

"Are you ready to risk your life too? Are you truly prepared to die without regrets?"

"Heh, why so serious all of a sudden? Did your close friend's death awaken something in you?"

Shin Gillim knew better than anyone that wasn't the case. There were no signs of magical power. Trash remains trash until the end, he thought, raising his sword.

"Han Taemin, you don't need a grand mindset to kill a bug."

"Yeah, I agree with you, Shin Gillim."

Han Taemin made up his mind and stood up. He wasn't particularly attached to this second chance at life. He had simply thought that since he had been reborn, he might as well live earnestly. That was the extent of his feelings.

"I might die, but I think I'll feel better if I take at least one of your arms with me."

"Oh, sure, you do that."

Ignoring Shin Gillim's sarcasm, Han Taemin rummaged through his belongings and reviewed the information.

Hunter Shin Gillim.

Level 36.

Rank: C.

Bonus Points: 175.

Given his focus on close-quarters combat, he would have invested in physical stats―

'I can win this.'

If he had to face Kim Minseok, who was responsible for the assault team's firepower, it would have been much tougher. Unlike physical abilities, his power was based on the unprecedented strength of mana.

But if the hunter wielded a sword and fought on the front lines, it was a completely different story.

Han Taemin picked up the sword that Cha Seokdae had brought. He strapped one to his left hip and another to his right.

"Dual swords? Really? You're such a poser. This isn't a game. Wielding two swords doesn't double your attack power, scavenger."

Tsk tsk. Shin Gillim clicked his tongue.

What mattered most to a hunter were high stats and good weapons. Unfortunately, Han Taemin possessed neither. The chance of winning was zero. There seemed to be no way to gain an advantage.

"Don't take it personally. This is all just the result of your own actions. Tsk, I shouldn't have worked with scavengers in the first place."

The outcome of a fight between a hunter and a scavenger who couldn't become a hunter was as predictable as fire. The difference in abilities and the stat bonuses—there were plenty of factors that put Han Taemin at a disadvantage.

It was a battle he couldn't lose even if he wanted to.

"You should realize that you, too, are facing the consequences of your own actions."

Han Taemin bent his body, bringing his hand to his waist. There were plenty of factors that could lead to victory.

His opponent was exhausted from repeated battles, with depleted stamina and mana. Having observed him fight for a long time, Han Taemin knew his habits and tendencies well.

The circumstances and conditions aligned perfectly.


"So, you're a swordsman too."

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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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