I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 12

The Fissure's Flood (②)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 12: The Fissure's Flood (②)

Chapter 12 - The Fissure's Flood (2)

It was naive to think that mere words could console someone who had lost their entire family. Only the person themselves could recognize and heal their own wounds.

Cha Yeri continued speaking, her expression vacant as she gazed out the window.

"When I heard the news that my brother passed away, I felt lost. With my condition, I can't venture outside without his help."

She felt her body getting heavier day by day. Her waking hours were dwindling, and even her breathing was gradually slowing.

"I must have been a burden to him. Without me holding him back, he could have pursued the studies he so desperately wanted. But now I'm the only one left... like this. I don't know how to live from now on."

Finally, the tears she had held back trickled down her cheeks.

Han Taemin thought he understood. The struggle to cover not just hospital bills but even basic living expenses. This was likely why Cha Seokdae risked his life as a scavenger.

"Your brother was the person I trusted the most. To be honest, I respected him. Even in his last moments, he was worried about you. So don't think like that."

As she felt the warmth of his hand on hers, her shoulders began to shake. Cha Yeri quickly bowed her head, realizing her own outburst.

"I'm sorry. This isn't something I should be discussing with someone visiting me."

Han Taemin shook his head, as if it were nothing. She probably spoke like this to a stranger because she had so much pent-up emotion. He didn't want to reproach her.

"If you're Seokdae's sister, then I consider you a sister as well. Feel free to talk."

"A-Alright, I will."

Her awkward attempt at whistling while twirling her hair was almost endearing. Han Taemin let it slide.

"By the way, do you have any other relatives?"

"I do, but..."


"I don't know if I can call them blood relatives..."

Her thin fingers gripped the blanket tightly, creasing it with force. The way she bit her lip was almost eerie. Beneath her innocent face lay true feelings. After all, she had been fighting her illness for so long, it was normal if she harbored some bitterness.

"They reached out to our parents when they needed help, but now they pretend not to know us and just stand by. Recently, they even came by to ask for money despite knowing our situation. It's not even worth thinking about them."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

It wasn't a common situation, but it wasn't unusual either. There was nothing new about having irresponsible and lazy relatives.

As Han Taemin's expression grew somber, Cha Yeri clapped her hands exaggeratedly. Though she lacked the strength to make a loud sound, Han Taemin turned his head as she intended.

"More than that, I want to hear about you, Taemin. You said you worked with my brother, so are you a scavenger too?"

"Well, yes."

His contract had expired, and he never intended to return to scavenging.

"Have you met any hunters?"

"Hunters are a daily sight for me."

"What about Hunter Kim Kyungmin or Hunter Ji Hoseop? You know Hunter Yoo Sora, right?"

She rattled off names he didn't recognize. He thought hard and vaguely recalled seeing their faces on TV.

Unfortunately, even after furrowing his brow, he couldn't quite place them.

"I've been so busy, I haven't had the time to see them even if I wanted to."

There was an unbridgeable gap between hunters and scavengers. They couldn't meet just because they wanted to.

Fortunately, Cha Yeri didn't press further.

"I see. I wanted to hear how other hunters live."

"Hunters are people too. They're not much different from us."

"Is that so?"

Cha Yeri, who was smiling weakly, suddenly bent over and coughed. Alarmed, Han Taemin stood up, but she waved him off with a composed expression.

"Sorry. Sometimes my condition suddenly worsens."

Han Taemin gently laid Cha Yeri back on her bed and then stood up.

"Sorry. You aren't well, but I made you sit for too long."

"No, it's okay. I was so happy to have someone to talk to after such a long time."

The visit was over. As she pulled the blanket up to her face, Cha Yeri hesitated before speaking softly.

"Can you come again next time?"

"When I have time..."

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Leaving the room, Han Taemin walked quietly down the corridor. Cha Yeri and her mana allergy. Unfortunately, her future was almost certainly grim. There was no hope for improvement.

He didn't feel pity. Or rather, even if he did, he didn't feel compelled to act on it. He had seen enough of these scenes in his previous life: sick people, sad stories, miserable lives. There were more troubled souls than stones on the street. Reacting to each one would mean losing himself.

But he owed Cha Seokdae his life.


"Where do I apply for guardianship?"

His life wasn't that cheap.

* * *

"So, you're saying you'll give me 100,000 won just for arm wrestling?"

"Isn't your strength at 11 now?"

"Yes, it is, but..."

Newbie Hunter Lim Jinman looked at the man in front of him. He had an average build, an average face, and even an average amount of pressure. He tried to read the man's emotions through his eyes but saw nothing.

Why did he ask that? As Jinman's suspicion grew, the man, Han Taemin, guided him to a nearby spot and spoke up.

"I'm just curious. I just became a hunter myself. I'm interested in how the different stats are balanced."

"Oh, you're trying to decide on your growth path."

Lim Jinman finally understood Han Taemin's intention and nodded with a more relaxed demeanor.

"You want to check, right? Even if it's just a difference of 1 point, every point counts. You can't afford to waste them."

"Exactly. Depending on how you allocate your stats, your position can completely change. So you want to know how useful strength is."

"I'm glad you understand quickly."

Maybe it was their shared circumstances that allowed a quick bond of understanding to form between them.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll cooperate."

As if making up his mind, Jinman placed his elbow on the nearby table. Han Taemin smiled, pleased with Jinman's proactive attitude.

The result came quickly.

The winner of the arm wrestling match was Lim Jinman.

"I think that should do it. I'm surprised. I didn't expect such a difference."

"Leveling up is no small feat. The results should reflect that, right?"

As Han Taemin, pretending to be in pain, pulled his hand back, Lim Jinman, feeling proud to be a hunter, casually ran a hand through his hair.

"Then, I'll take this."

Watching the hunter walk away cheerfully, Han Taemin put his massaged hand into his pocket. The change in his previously smiling face was a bonus.

In the end, he was still a half-wit. If someone with strength at 11 was this weak, his days in the dungeon were numbered.

"Is it all over now?"

Han Taemin had been comparing stats with newly minted hunters. He was also curious about what he could achieve with mana at 11, making it an interesting experiment.

"Mana is superior."

If he boosted his strength or agility immediately, he would experience dramatic changes, but the limit would be clear. In his past life, it was basic to fight with the support of mana. Since he knew how to elevate his physical abilities to a superhuman level, investing in those related stats was inefficient.

With the results clear, his decision was swift.

"Invest 24 points in mana."

[ Mana: 1 ]

[ Mana: 25↑ NEW ]

He savored the power coursing through his body. It felt nostalgic, like regaining lost limbs. Although it was a fraction of the power he had in his previous life, it was a promising start.

With his growth direction now decided, it was time to move on to the next step. Han Taemin turned and entered the towering building.

Inside was the association established by hunters from around the world.

* * *

The yearly mortality rate among hunters stood at 19%, a figure that was slowly but steadily rising. To curb this rising mortality rate, the association raised the difficulty level of the Hunter Certification Exam.

The exam now covered everything from basic knowledge to combat evaluations.

They created a place to assess all these aspects. New hunters often complained about it, but it wasn't all bad. It was also an opportunity to stand out from the start, attracting not only aspiring hunters but also those looking to recruit new talent.

"The relevant materials can be found in the bookstore on the first floor. We also hold weekly lectures on the practical exam on the second floor, so it would be beneficial to attend if you have time."

The receptionist, who was mechanically explaining everything, glanced at Han Taemin.

"You got the general overview, right? The hunter exam is held monthly. The earliest date is 24 days from now. Would you like to register?"

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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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