I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 05

Raymara's Labyrinth (①)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 05: Raymara's Labyrinth (①)

Chapter 5 - Raymara's Labyrinth (1)

But there was no desire to reprimand Han Taemin. Humans were inherently diverse.

For every person like Shin Gillim, who took pride in becoming a hunter, there were others like Han Taemin who remained indifferent to such matters.

Their clash was merely a collision of extremes, nothing more. If there was a problem, it was the unfortunate conflict of their personalities.

"His words may be harsh, but he pays well."

Even without the promise of payment, Han Taemin wouldn't have hesitated to leave. He could assure that much.

"In that case, make sure to gear up properly. We don't know what might happen. We need to stay alive to get paid. Bring along the talisman and awakening items."

"I already bought those a while ago. You never know when and where trouble might arise."

Raymara's Labyrinth was a dungeon that exceeded the capabilities of the 1st Assault Unit. The likelihood of countermeasures was low, even in unforeseen circumstances. Since there were no hunters who would risk their lives for scavengers, they had to take care of themselves.

"Don't worry. Even if you want to die, you can't die in a place like that."

Even if he couldn't become a hunter, Han Taemin still had basic physical abilities. While facing monsters might be impossible, running away was something he could do blindfolded.

But Cha Seokdae, who didn't know Han Taemin's inner thoughts, just smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Well, that confidence is important. So if it gets dangerous, don't hesitate to run straight to me."

For a moment, Han Taemin was speechless. Then he awkwardly scratched his head. He was always puzzled by such genuine kindness.

Though it was something he tried to forget, Cha Seokdae wasn't suited to be a scavenger. He could easily fit into a more stable job.

"What's your answer?"

Unable to come up with any rebuttal, Han Taemin quietly nodded his head.

"Got it."


The dungeon grading system was not much different from that of the hunters. The levels were determined by the size and number of monsters and the difficulty of the dungeon itself.

When enough hunters had passed through to identify the dungeon's characteristics, an official name was created.

Raymara's Labyrinth, targeted by the 1st Assault Unit, was no exception.

Initially, Raymara's Labyrinth was just an ordinary C-rank dungeon. However, it quickly became a hotspot when it was revealed that the material cubes found within were close to B-rank quality.

The ability to predict the behavior of monsters, even in a C-rank dungeon, was also a significant advantage.

Above all, Raymara's Labyrinth often served as the dividing line between top and bottom guilds. For guilds aiming to rise higher, there was no dungeon quite like this one.

It was no exaggeration to say that advancing to the top would be impossible without overcoming this place.

No wonder Shin Gillim was anxious. The results obtained here would directly affect the future.

"Park Junwoo and Bae Seongdae will take the lead."

"Yes, understood."

"Understood, Captain."

Following Shin Gillim's orders, the left and right wings of the 1st Assault Unit spread out. Park Junwoo and Bae Seongdae were both close-range damage dealers and the leaders who signaled the start of the assault. The hunters following them formed their formations.

"Nam Insang will assist from long range. Kim Minseok, prepare a big hit from the middle. Lee Yeri, stand in the rear and be responsible for healing the other hunters."

As Shin Gillim waved his hand, the forty or so members scattered in an instant.

"And the remaining tanks, stay close to me."

Shin Gillim, the shield and spearhead of the assault team, took the lead. Soon after, the fully-prepared 1st Assault Unit entered Raymara's Labyrinth.

There were no instructions given to the scavengers. Perhaps they weren't even a concern. Han Taemin, attached to the rear where the healers were, checked his bag strap and hung the charm of resistance around his neck.

Interestingly, the most important stat in Raymara's Labyrinth was resistance.

In an era where strength or mana was considered crucial, the priority given to resistance over durability was because the monsters inside were all specialized in mental attacks.

They incited confusion and chaos, encouraging the division of the assault team. But ultimately, they were only C-rank monsters. They could be dealt with easily by using charms or awakening items sold at the hunter shop.

Ironically, Raymara's Labyrinth was more dangerous for scavengers who couldn't adjust their stats.


"Be careful."

Han Taemin grabbed Cha Seokdae's arm as he almost tripped over a rock.


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The interior was dark and damp. Water droplets dripped from the stalactites, creating a continuous sound. The air seemed to have changed completely after crossing the dimensional portal.

Sure enough, a monster peeked its head out from the dark corner of the underground tunnel.

"Initiate attack!"

Shin Gillim, the first to spot it, drew his sword and charged forward.

Shin Gillim's hunter rank, considered the vanguard, was C.

He possessed a total of four abilities and showed decent growth with a level of 36. Although he clearly surpassed the benchmark set by Raymara's Labyrinth, the problem was that the others were only D-rank.

But Shin Gillim shouted again as if to dismiss Han Taemin's concerns.

"This guy's weakness is between the collarbones. All damage dealers, aim there!"

Raymara's Labyrinth was challenging, but it was filled with information and tips accumulated from the numerous times hunters had passed through. With skill alone, failure was not an option, even if one wanted to fail.

As Shin Gillim and the tanks blocked the monster, Park Junwoo and Bae Seongdae slipped into its blind spot and thrust their swords in.

At the same time, Nam Insang pulled his bowstring, and a large flame rose above the heads of the assault team.

Following the ensuing explosion, everyone turned their heads, but Han Taemin stood in the corner, silently observing the entire process.

The melee damage dealers captured the monster's attention, while the ranged damage dealers took advantage of the opportunity. Lastly, Kim Minseok, responsible for firepower, finished it off. Although it was a combination they had seen many times before, the fact that they continued the attack without tension could be considered a bonus.

Hunters' battles, which transcended human limits, took place in seconds, but Han Taemin could accurately anticipate their movements.

"This is why I can't give up being a hunter."

Suddenly, Woo Minjun approached, rummaging through the monster's corpse. It was slightly smaller than a wolf. Before Han Taemin could say anything, Woo Minjun skillfully removed the eyeballs with a sharp dagger and put them into his mouth.

"Is it okay to eat like that?"

"At least the dead one didn't see it. And I brought the antidote."

It wasn't Han Taemin, but Cha Seokdae who was amazed by the response.

"Uncle, please calm down. We're in the middle of an assault. The dismantling order hasn't been given yet. If you act as you please, who knows what might happen later."

"Alright, I got it, so stop nagging. Anyway, a creature like this has nothing compared to material cubes."

Turning away from Cha Seokdae and Woo Minjun, Han Taemin looked elsewhere. Just as Shin Gillim had confidently assured, the 1st Assault Unit's initial attack proceeded as if they had forgotten it was their first time. It seemed like their experiences from D-rank dungeons had all come together here.

As the operation progressed smoothly, a huge cave appeared before them, as if reaching its climax. It was the true place where danger lurked.

"Stop! It's Gollas."

A large monster blocked the path to the next location.

Monsters were usually classified by size: small, medium, large, extra-large, and boss monsters. Unless it was an unusual individual, they wouldn't be named, but Gollas was an exception.

The large monster, wielding its spiked tail and spitting out potent venom, was a mid-boss indicating that the end of the labyrinth was near.

It was also a monster that yielded valuable resources. Its material cube was close to B-rank, and its spiked tail was a precious resource. Nothing could be discarded.

"From here on, it's the real deal. Stay alert. I won't help you if you get eaten."

Whether Shin Gillim was serious or joking, it was hard to tell. But as he signaled the start of the hunt, the tanks stepped forward and struck Gollas's face with their shields.

For a moment, Gollas seemed dazed, its head ringing from the impact. But perhaps it was instinct warning it not to falter. It swung its spiked tail fiercely, swatting away the approaching hunters.

It was a difficult situation for the melee damage dealers to approach. All they could do was provide long-range support.

Sensing it was his turn to act, Nam Insang gathered his mana and pulled his bowstring. The arrowhead spun fiercely, and at that moment, the arrow was shot towards Gollas.


Losing one eye, Gollas roared in rage and sprayed venom from its mouth. As the walls melted like candle wax, the melee damage dealers wavered and backed away.

Excited, Gollas rushed towards the faltering hunters.

Unlike its bulky appearance, Gollas's agility far surpassed common sense. It leaped off the wall, closing the distance with the assault team. The situation posed a threat even to the healers in the rear.

The tanks raised their shields, forming a circle.

They were specialists in drawing the monster's attention. As Gollas charged towards the rear, propelled by the magical energy imbued in its spiked tail, the tanks reflexively turned their bodies.


It leaped up and struck the tanks with its spiked tail.

The power embedded in the spiked tail seemed too much to block, as the tanks dropped their shields and fell to the ground like fallen leaves.

But that momentary gap created the groundwork for a reversal.


Kim Minseok shouted loudly, stacking his abilities on top of each other.

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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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