I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 03

The Knight is Here (2)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 03: The Knight is Here (2)

Chapter 3 - The Knight is Here (2)


Ability, a type of power beyond ordinary human capabilities. Hunters, those who were aware of possessing such abilities.

Of course, no scholar had precisely explained how one became a hunter. It was understood through numerous cases that awakening, a mysterious process that granted abilities, was involved. However, the phenomenon of awakening itself was inherently ambiguous.

Even in identical situations and environments, the results varied greatly. Artificial intervention only increased the number of unclear variables. This made it impossible to have any reliable sample.

It was like the Korean saying, "All roads lead to Seoul," meaning that regardless of the path taken, the outcome would be the same.

It was around that time when Han Taemin, realizing he lacked the aptitude to become a hunter, began to rely on memories from his previous life.

His previous life's memories held a wealth of useful knowledge. For instance, there was a method to gather mana, the magical energy that powered abilities, and elevate one's status. It was the secret technique that had made him a knight, something he could never forget.

However, his expectations were utterly shattered.

It seemed as though the world was rejecting the memories from his previous life. The secret technique turned into a mere hoax, hovering in the air, and his dream of becoming a hunter vanished like a bubble.

In a way, it was an expected outcome. The backgrounds of his previous and present lives were different. The realistic conclusion was that there must be a separate secret technique suitable for this world.

Looking at the circumstances surrounding the birth of hunters, it was apparent. If divine beings were involved, they would be. There was no room for human will to intervene.

While society claimed that humanity had evolved to conquer dungeons, the mysterious towers filled with monsters and traps, Han Taemin didn't believe it. Admitting that would mean closing off his own potential.

"I'm just unlucky."

As Han Taemin got up, grabbing the desk clock and tossing it aside, he scratched his head vigorously. Dreaming of the days when he harbored empty hopes and aimless thoughts was always uncomfortable. Who would enjoy wandering in a maze with no exit?

Living in a rooftop room, it wasn't just the tax bills that accumulated. There was a lingering feeling of having nowhere to go, constantly weighing on his heart.

After cooling his head with cold water, he headed straight to the nearby park. Training his body since birth was something he never skipped a single day.

For a hunter whose stats, the numerical values representing their physical and magical capabilities, were fixed through stat adjustments, training might seem like an ordeal with no end in sight. But for Han Taemin, who still retained habits from his previous life, it was simply part of his daily routine.

His well-trained body didn't even break a sweat after circling the park 30 times. Instead, he felt refreshed.

"18 minutes and 24 seconds. Am I a bit slower than usual?"

Checking the time, Han Taemin entered a secluded area and picked up a branch. Even if he couldn't utilize the memories from his previous life, he had no desire to forget who he once was.

He had no regrets about the life he had lived.

As he stood the branch upright, the atmosphere around him transformed. Although his body could no longer accept mana, his mind remembered those times vividly.

For a knight who had reached enlightenment, constructing a virtual world with mere thoughts was a natural virtue.

His body precisely followed the trajectory he envisioned in his mind. Each movement flowed seamlessly into the next, his arms swinging the branch faster and faster with every step. The air whistled as the branch cut through it, and sweat glistened on Han Taemin's brow as he pushed himself to his limits.

Unlike hunters who wielded powers without knowing their source, Han Taemin knew his limits and could push them to the extreme.

On the eleventh step, he swung the branch down with fierce determination. The withered leaves swirled around him, pushed away by his presence. It was the manifestation of his unwavering will causing a physical phenomenon.

If 21 years of consistent training yielded such results, it could indeed be considered an achievement.

"Is this still the best I can do?"

With those words, he turned away as if there was nothing worth seeing. Comparing himself to his previous life seemed ridiculously pitiful. However, among those who couldn't become hunters, he undoubtedly stood out.

After Han Taemin left, faint traces resembling sword marks were engraved on the nearby boulder. The cuts were as smooth as if they had been made by a razor-sharp blade.


Han Taemin sat in the waiting room assigned to scavengers, his legs trembling slightly.

Despite being called the "jack-of-all-trades," scavengers were ultimately irregular workers. As guilds, the organizations that managed hunters, rose in rank, scavengers became unnecessary manpower.

He was currently contracted with the Will Guild's first assault unit, but what would happen in a week was uncertain.

It was the time when the contract period was set to expire.

Perhaps the decision would be made according to the opinion of Shin Gillim, who led the first assault unit. But he didn't seem particularly fond of scavengers. If he decided to kick them out, he would, but he wasn't one to extend a helping hand first.

Becoming unemployed was just a moment away.

With the thought that the time to pull some strings was approaching, he rummaged through his old business cards.

"Hwahrang, no. Meciv, no. The One, definitely not. Hmm, are these all the business cards I got last time?"

They were all guilds he had passed through at least once. Now, they had risen in rank and no longer needed the assistance of gleaners.

At times like this, the realization that he lacked not only blood ties but also academic connections hit him hard. He had to do everything alone. Even proving his own worth.

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"Why are you staring at them like that?"

It was then that Cha Seokdae approached. To Han Taemin, who had only been a scavenger for less than two years, Cha Seokdae was like a trusted senior colleague.

"You must have been deciding on the next guild. Can't you see the stack of business cards in your hand?"

Before he could answer, Woo Minjun, sitting next to him, retorted gloomily. Although he had as much experience as Cha Seokdae, their personalities were polar opposites.

If Cha Seokdae thought being a scavenger wasn't so bad, Woo Minjun saw it as a stepping stone to becoming a hunter.

Among scavengers who hoped to become hunters, Woo Minjun was particularly fervent.

Believing firmly that their abilities would awaken if they accompanied hunters on missions and battled monsters in dungeons, he fumbled in his pocket and discreetly offered an unidentified powder.

"Instead of that, Taemin, how about you try this? I won't give it to anyone else, but I'm offering it to you because I think highly of you."

The powder turned out to be ground from a monster's horn. His willingness to try anything to awaken his abilities seemed almost insane.

But it wasn't just Woo Minjun's issue. Scavengers, in general, tended to exhibit such behavior.

Like Icarus, yearning for freedom without realizing his wings were burning, scavengers yearned to become hunters without realizing their lives were being consumed.

They believed they could still be the protagonist even though they knew the inevitable end was approaching. Han Taemin had once dreamed such a dream, so he didn't rebuke Woo Minjun.

Instead, it was Cha Seokdae who intervened.

"That's the same old story. Stop it, old man. He's the youngest among us. It's too early for him to see things like this."

"Well, if there's no small hope, it's better to quit this right away. Isn't it strange to become a scavenger when you don't even plan to become a hunter?"

"But my answer remains the same."

"It's okay, hyung. I think I understand what uncle is trying to say."

"Did you hear that? This kid is on the same page as me."

As Woo Minjun grumbled, Cha Seokdae grabbed his own shaggy hair in frustration.

It was then that Shin Gillim barged in.

With a thoroughly displeased expression, he looked around the room before taking a seat. There seemed to be no regard for manners or respect.

"We've decided on the dungeon to tackle this week. I'll send the details via text or email, so check them yourselves."

"Where are we going this time?"

When one of the scavengers asked, Shin Gillim's eyes narrowed. His attitude seemed to say, "How dare the likes of you ask me such a thing?" But his demeanor seemed to change, and he opened his mouth with a grumble.

"Even if you guys aren't hunters, you must have heard the name at least once. We're going to Raymara's Labyrinth."

As soon as the dungeon's name was revealed, gasps erupted from all over the room. It wasn't admiration or awe. It was an indescribable mix of fear and confusion.

Raymara's Labyrinth was designated as a rank C dungeon.

It hadn't been long since the Will Guild, with their ace Shin Gillim, had raised their guild rank to D. Naturally, it wasn't a place they could easily tackle.

The world of hunters was cruel and unforgiving. If one didn't objectively assess their own abilities and instead became arrogant, that was the end of it. It meant heading straight to death. There was nothing left afterward.

While this judgment might be unknown to hunters, each decision was regrettable for scavengers who had crawled up from the bottom.

But then, why would they step forward? While Han Taemin pondered, Shin Gillim found himself suddenly under the scrutinizing gaze of the scavengers.

"I think this might be a hasty decision. As you know, even though Raymara's Labyrinth is well-known, considering its unique characteristics, it might be better to think it over a bit more..."

"I can't listen since you're being so noisy."

Though Cha Seokdae spoke as their representative, his words fell on deaf ears.

"You have to follow us when we say so. Where do you get the nerve to talk back? That's why you're still in this position. How dare you try to understand the judgment of the guild when you're not even a hunter?"

"That's not what I meant..."

"Enough. This strategy is a crucial turning point for our guild. Do you think your opinions matter? You just need to collect your pay and gather materials like scavengers do."

"Captain, even if you put it like that, isn't it going a bit too far?"

"Woo Minjun. Haa, even you... Why is everyone chiming in?"

Even Woo Minjun, who dreamed of carefree days, joined in, and the waiting room heated up. Cha Seokdae and Woo Minjun were particularly experienced among the scavengers.

Shin Gillim waved his hand dismissively as if wanting to put an end to the argument.

"Well, those who don't want to go don't have to. You may be able to find work elsewhere. But as you all know, trust comes first in this business, right?"

The room fell silent as if his words were a lie.

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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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