I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Ch. 13

The Fissure's Flood (③)

I'm an EX-Rank Hunter

Chapter 13: The Fissure's Flood (③)

Chapter 13 - The Fissure's Flood (3)

Upon hearing the receptionist's words, Han Taemin immediately nodded and picked up a pen. Even if the physical examination was conducted on the same day, he didn't expect the procedure to be this simple.


"What do you mean?"

"It's fascinating that they accept applications without verifying if someone is a hunter or not."

"Oh, the application form can't be read by non-hunters. It's also a product of the material cube."

The revelation that the application form was also considered an item was surprising. It was an ingenious method, both in terms of cost and efficiency, utilizing the item appraisal function obtained by hunters during their awakening.

It was at that moment when the receptionist, holding the application form, had a strangely twisted expression on their face.

"So, the ability you obtained during the awakening is swordsmanship, and the power is A, correct? If falsely stated, the applicant will bear all consequences."

The receptionist asked cautiously, their face brushing past with a hint of sympathy and empathy, which was an added bonus.

"Is there a problem?"

"It's not that, but are you really sure about this?"

"Yes, please proceed with the application."

Unable to disclose information about his past life, he listed all the skills he had devoted everything to in his previous life. Still, he could mimic having an ability once he wielded a sword.

"Maybe setting the power to A was the problem."

Perhaps it seemed absurd. But there was no way he would undervalue the efforts he had made in his previous life.

The receptionist didn't linger on whether such incidents were common, and began entering the information from the application form into the computer.

"Then I'll proceed with the application as is."

There was a faint sound of murmuring from somewhere, almost mocking rather than surprising. It vanished as soon as he turned his head, but the discomfort lingered.

Leaving the reception area and entering the HunterNet, Han Taemin soon found himself having to wash his face several times in quick succession without even a drop of water.

<Sharing the story of obtaining the Swordsmanship ability.>

Views 36,643, Recommendations 2,135

└ Is it true that he liked obtaining swordsmanship?

└ From a civilian's perspective, it's hard to know. You'll be in doubt until you hear the explanation.

└ It's difficult for anyone other than the person involved to know about such information. How many people around have obtained swordsmanship?

└ Can't even handle being a hunter. Keep up the work.

└ If you're a tanker, it's still usable, but if you're a dealer, you should give up.

└ The tricky thing about skill-related abilities is that you have to raise your proficiency yourself. But if that's the case, it's better not to have it. The effects only come out as much as you practice and understand it. There's no reason for it to be an ability, right?

"So that's why."

Even with a deep foundation, he couldn't help but feel shaken this time.

The content was simple.

Ability that allows positive adjustments to actions involving swords, Swordsmanship. It's stated that efficiency increases as proficiency accumulates, but there was no power in it whatsoever.

Yeah, there was no power assessment for Swordsmanship. Naturally, that field was left blank. Writing A was a mistake. Even for a beginner like himself with no power, since the power was E, it was a hasty judgment to think Swordsmanship wouldn't be at least that level.

An ability without power? Impossible. Even during his time as a scavenger, he had never heard of such a thing.

"Well, no one would enter a dungeon with a powerless ability."

Since he couldn't go back and change it, Han Taemin sighed. He could understand why the receptionist was taken aback. Given that his ability was Swordsmanship, he must have seemed like someone who wanted to save face.

'Maybe this is better after all.'

Each ability had its own distinct characteristics. If he had written something else, it would have been embarrassing.

It was better to be seen as eccentric. Even without showcasing any special skills, people wouldn't think it odd.

"I should probably study for the exam."

He wasn't sure about the practical part, but he needed to prepare for the written test.

* * *

The crimson moon hung in the sky above the endless desert. There was nothing but sand stretching out endlessly. As the dusty wind blew, monsters howled.

A forbidden land where humans were not allowed.

In between, a woman ran. Urgent and rough, like a chariot. With each step she took, the ground couldn't withstand the shock and crumbled.

Her hair, tied tightly in a braid, swayed in all directions as she moved forward.

Clang. Though she wore plate armor, it seemed to adhere closely to her body, accentuating her feminine features.

Due to the emphasis on mobility, the metal plates on her legs and shoulders were minimized, revealing some skin.

Her attire was peculiar in many ways.

However, the most peculiar thing was the weapon the woman wielded.

A heavy lance.

Whenever the hefty weapon moved, nearby monsters were scattered like chaff in the wind, as if it were something fit for a battlefield.

In an instant, a large monster rose from among the dunes. The monstrous creature raised its head high as if to touch the sky, then brought it down forcefully, as if to crush the woman beneath it.

But the woman showed no signs of surprise or fear, simply swinging the heavy lance with determination.


The spearhead plunged deep into the creature's soft flesh, breaking through its exterior. As she felt the familiar sensation at her fingertips, Yoo Sora smiled. While the heavy lance lacked finesse in slashing, it made up for it with the satisfaction of a powerful blow.

She always relished moments like this.


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The conical spearheads that pierced through the monster's body began to rotate in different directions. There were a total of five parts making up the spearheads, so naturally, there were rotations from five different directions.

Cling. As the different components rotated, they produced a strange noise. Soon, sparks flew between the gaps, and lightning erupted.

The monster, realizing the situation, struggled to break free, but it was already too late. The unobstructed surge of power took everything away from it.

The body, unable to withstand the immense force, swelled up like a balloon and burst.

Yoo Sora, who grounded the giant monster into minced meat, showed no signs of fatigue as she swiftly dealt with another monster that rushed at her as if she hadn't been taxed at all.

Considering the difference in physique, it would not be strange to be pushed out without hesitation, but the ability strength gained by becoming an S-rank did not allow her.

The ability to increase strength by one level without allocating points always provided her with infinite possibilities. Being able to wield the heavy lance on the front lines was all thanks to this ability.

Her aggressive movements continued unabated.

Not only did the rotating spearheads attack, but lightning struck relentlessly between them. Whoosh. The sharp crack echoed throughout the dungeon.

"Excellent. Absolutely wonderful."

With an exhilarated expression, she swung the heavy lance like a propeller.

Inside the dungeon, one could forget about the outside world. The position of the guild's vice-master, as well as the pressure of being the top hunter in Korea, could be left behind.

For Yoo Sora, the dungeon was both an escape and an oasis. Even if it were an A-rank dungeon like the Desert of Dortolemia, it was nothing more than a sanctuary to her.

"The princess seems a bit on edge today." 

Nam Jihyun, the long-range dealer, said so and slumped against a boulder with his sniper rifle slung over his shoulder. Being of a certain age, it was a bit difficult for him to stand still.

"You know it's necessary to relieve some stress, uncle."

Choi Heera, the healer beside him, interjected on behalf of Yoo Sora, but Nam Jihyun brushed it off sullenly.

"Stress, huh? It's weird that that's considered stressful. It's just a recurring act where a young man confesses to a pretty girl."

"The problem is when it goes too far. Even I feel butterflies in my stomach when I see that person."

"Inho may have a certain personality, but his abilities are solid."

"That's exactly the problem."

Kang Inho was a hunter who rivaled even the top ranks within the Vain Guild. Although he had only recently reached the S-rank, in large-scale battles, he was comparable to the SS-rank.

He seemed to come from a well-to-do family of lawyers. However, perhaps because he was too high up, he didn't seem to realize that there were people below him. His arrogant demeanor caused numerous conflicts.

Normally, Kim Jungtae, the master of the Vain Guild, would have mediated between them, but his absence due to attending an international forum hosted by the association led to friction between them.

As soon as Kim Jungtae disappeared, Kang Inho ominously bared his fangs. Even roaming around A-rank dungeons was not entirely unrelated to him.

"But in the end, it's still about relationships between men and women. Even if a third party says this or that, it's ultimately a problem for the two people to solve. I don't want to intervene and end up getting my back broken like a shrimp in a whale fight."

When Nam Jihyun spoke calmly, Choi Heera raised her staff and raised her voice.

"You're talking as if it's someone else's business. Isn't it something that Sora is struggling with? As an elder, can't you say a word?"

"Honestly, isn't what I said true? What happens between others is their business."

It was unfair to be dragged into this kind of relationship counseling. He didn't want to do it even if he died.

Even within the guild, they were part of the same 1st attack unit, so to say there was no bond of sympathy would be a lie, but still, it was bothersome. If they were just ten years younger, they might have been able to chat more enjoyably, but seeing two young kids chatting away, even up to marriage, wasn't exactly exciting.

"And I've never seen anyone fare well after meddling in others' affairs. Especially when it comes to relationship problems."

This was also true, and Choi Heera couldn't really argue against it.

Then, Dothromia appeared through the sand.

A colossal monster with shark-like sharp fangs and keen fins.

Having the boss, which only appears after defeating all monsters within the dungeon, here meant—

"Is this a best score update? Seems like even the princess really dislikes that guy."

Nam Jihyun adjusted his posture and fiddled with his sniper rifle. He had to shoot if it came into his attack range. Since Choi Heera didn't have direct combat abilities, Nam Jihyun took care of it himself.

That was when the sound came.

"I'll handle it from here."

Suddenly approaching, Yoo Sora used the heavy lance as a springboard and leaped high. Charging forward amidst the dusty wind, it was no exaggeration to say that she was like a Valkyrie.

Yoo Sora, landing on Dortolemia's forehead, swung down the heavy lance mercilessly. With a buzzing sound, the conical spearhead rotated, sparking.

A lightning strike followed the immense force.

As the abnormally large spearhead scattered lightning, attempting to smash through the skull, Dortolemia cringed and hid its body below the ground.

True to its reputation as the tyrant swimming through the desert, Dortolemia didn't reveal itself, only circling around Yoo Sora.

Confident that lightning couldn't reach below ground, but the hunter was above even that.

"You should stay in your place."

Yoo Sora, with the spear tail deeply embedded in the ground, emitted mana. Thunderclaps struck the ground violently, breaking through it, and torrents of lightning poured through the sandy air.

It was an intense assault, enough to turn the area into a wasteland.

Thus, Dortolemia met its end without ever emerging from the depths underground.

"If it's at that level, we don't need to worry. She'll do fine on her own."

"W-Well, I suppose so."

With the boss defeated, the mission was over.

"Well then, shall we go?"

Suddenly, mana surged, with a momentum to engulf the world.

Sensing the anomaly, Nam Jihyun pulled Choi Heera's arm, retreating behind the boulder. As hunters, they couldn't help but recognize it, even if they didn't want to. There was only one thing this phenomenon could signify.

Whether Yoo Sora felt the same or not, she retrieved her heavy lance and looked around anxiously.

"Wait, no. Why now, all of a sudden? We've already dealt with the boss. But the fissure..."

"Look up."

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Table of Contents

01 Prologue 02 The Knight is Here (1) 03 The Knight is Here (2) 04 The Knight Is Here (③) 05 Raymara's Labyrinth (①) 06 Raymara's Labyrinth (②) 07 Raymara's Labyrinth (③) 08 Just… (①) 09 Just... (②) 10 Just... (③) 11 The Fissure's Flood (①) 12 The Fissure's Flood (②) 13 The Fissure's Flood (③) 14 The Fissure's Flood (④) 15 Piercing Through (①) 16 Piercing Through ② 17 Piercing Through ③ 18 Hunter Exam ① 19 Hunter Exam ② 20 Hunter Exam ③ 21 Hunter Exam (4) 22 Hunter Exam ⑤ 23 The Wall of SS-Rank ① 24 The Wall of SS-Rank ② 25 The Wall of SS-Rank ③

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